The Gleib

The box doesn't have a picture of a guy eating a Cheerio the size of his head on it.

One example does not a point make.

Me either. I did however, see an antivirus ad while they were realizing how easily it was hacked... kind of the worst place to put it.

That site will ruin your life you know.

Just remember: NO ALIENS.


I have to agree. They should have pulled out the alien planet part much earlier and focused on that conflict (like The Problem with Popplers did). The episodes are becoming weaker and weaker. The writers need to use the entire cast like they used to instead of focusing on individual characters. Granted Bender was

Until you get find an entry with all dead links.

Oh, so it makes your spine light up and tiny fireworks in your brain?

They have used HTML5 before. A bunch of the doodles have used Canvas which is part of HTML5.

I see a lot of complaining in the comments about authenticity, but the real problem here is the receipt. Should your warranty be void and you want to exchange without a receipt you are shit out of luck. The fact that this guy (Wang) is asking for a receipt a month after his purchase illustrates the possibility of

How is it that we can have a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional object (a drawing of a cube) but not a 3-dimensional representation of a 4-dimensional object?

That no-good-cotton-picking-video!

Not to mention the safer aspects tune down the fun. I took my young cousin to the park last week and she no longer wants to go play there because there is nothing interesting to do. We tried to play lava tag like when I was little and there was no fun to it because there are practically no moving objects or high

Well with some kind of analogue of course.

Terminal velocity is very low for a small device like this. It can probably reach it from 10 feet; anything higher than that will have the exact same affect when it hits the ground. There isn't enough force to smash the insides from 13500 ft than there is from 15 ft. Sure your screen will break because Apple likes to

Which is oddly, my least favorite of that movie's trailers.

I heart you good sir, because my entire day will now be spent back on TV Tropes.

This is also how tech support works. Anyone in your family that should be computer literate at this point isn't - but only because you fix things for them. They don't need to know how to do it. Also, people who are extremely computer retarded don't bother to learn how to do simple things because they can call someone