The Gleib

I want a mini (pig)sized elephant!

Another thing about the new episodes is that they aren't subtle about their jokes and references in the way we love; take the Tron scene in "Law and Oracle"; in the past they could have used a small nod or background event but instead they make an entire scene taken directly from the new movie. Then Schrodinger, he

Yesterday my sister went to see the new one and refused to go without a pair of Harry Potter glasses. We went all over the city looking for anything harry potter to dress her up as and found something odd - no one carries Harry Potter toys anymore. Not Toys R Us, not Wall Mart, or Chapters or anything else. They

Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe at that point in the movie they have already found replicated dogs or she knows about the thing and is testing to see if one person reacts to her differently. Or she could be accusing someone of being a killer and there is someone else there too and it just happens to have a double

Clearly quality is relative. Modern students look for qualities they admire and are able to emulate. If this photo was taken today it may have been something to admonish but the fact that it was taken nearly a century ago puts a different meaning to it. Picture a rudimentary Photoshop job today and it is terrible. Had

I have to say, I didn't really like the Neutopia episode. It didn't really click for me as a single story and I was really disappointed. Maybe in the same way that Into the Wild Green Yonder made no sense and was out of character for everyone based on gender jokes. But Benderama? Benderama was classic Futurama awesome.

How can you leave out the thunder sheet?

I am sure that the fact that an ant's terminal velocity is so small in comparison to their exoskeleton strength that it is practically null helps too.

The "science" looks to be a lens that can focus stack by tilt shifting with a fixed lens.

Any hints as to the plot of "Let's Kill Hitler"? Other than the obvious, and considering Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act could it be a lesson in the Doctor's inability to change fixed points? Or even referring to the Doctor himself as a Destroyer of Worlds?

@Jonn: In a CAVE!

@BLVC25: I can understand wanting quality but if weight was such an issue, the D60 works well, it is super lightweight, cheap, and still works pretty nicely.

@lanboyo: Is Chase coming back next season? He BETTER!

@jetRink: *Gasp* The House Hippo!

So not big enough for some nice Aurora Borealis?

@Raven: Unless you sew the pieces back together and wait for its 23 year-cycle... Oh wait, wrong monster.

If only there was some kind of transparent aluminium foil...

Ever been bit by your dog? Even just a playful bite? That is how this is going to turn out.

@FlawedHero: The problem is the structure. They don't know if moving a small piece will put weight onto areas that can't support it. This is an old, crumbly structure that weighs thousands of tonnes; a small mistake could destroy the whole thing.

@Hypnosifl: The author went on The Daily Show(sometime last week, all the eps are available online if you want to watch it) and after about 30 seconds Jon Stewart went from admiring the book to getting ready to sic Colbert on her.