Both hurt people and I'm not buying this game just like I didn't buy HL. It is not difficult when we have so many new games coming out.
Both hurt people and I'm not buying this game just like I didn't buy HL. It is not difficult when we have so many new games coming out.
“about Transgenders”?
Weird, I’m pretty sure I did see a lot of people speaking up about Atomic Heart, probably a bit easier to miss with all the stuff about the game based on the books by the billionaire terf who funds movements that do also in fact want to genocide trans people
“transgenders" go fuck yourself
First of all, don’t say “Transgenders”
How exactly does this game get “a pass” when there was enough controversy that the composer donated his entire salary to charity?
Is your argument that unless you can talk about all problematic things you can’t talk about one problematic thing without it seeming odd that you’re not talking about all the other problematic things?
We’re surely going to take your word on this one username “SuperStraight”
The “hates everyone equally” excuse is has been and always will be bullshit hth
Dude the COD community doesn’t just do that for women, they do that for EVERYONE.
I’ve never heard a man be told to go back to the kitchen or make them a sandwich
Bigotry is born from mediocrity. These people see all the stairs they have to climb and reason that keeping others from climbing at all will make their mediocre steps appear more grandiose since there are less above them.
Even, apparently, the ones who never cared about the franchise before Rowling did her best to blow up her legacy.
So now Harry Potter is the designated safe space fandom for the unwashed un-woke. Even, apparently, the ones who never cared about the franchise before Rowling did her best to blow up her legacy.
“What I’m bothered most by all of this hate and policing streamers and calls for boycotts is all of these people are so happy to jump on forums, TikTok, etc. and announce that they don’t support the game and anyone who does is a bigot.”
So that’s the part of the discourse that bothers you, and not the transphobia? Some…
Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Like I really struggle to wonder why Kotaku features a bunch of fucking nobodies and amplifies their fucking idioicy. “Looks like a trash fire”, bruh Dragon Age hasn’ been a ‘CRPG” since Origins, and even then I guarantee a majority of people never even fucking touched tactical mode (aka the rtwp) for anything more…
Oh god shut the fuck up twitter.