
Sonic does not need you to defend him, my dude. He’s a cartoon character and his movie will do fine without Kotaku letting everybody know that a bunch of fans said they liked the movie.

No, negotiations on that fell apart.

You’re obviously entitled to your opinion, but you might want to consider that toxic, hate-filled bullying is not merely “naughty things”, and particularly when this kind of shit-talk is aimed at groups which regularly receive garbage like that (such as females in gaming, or LBTQ+ peeps etc) it’s doubly burdensome.

This. I mean once you start being misogynistic or homophobic or trans phobic (Or all three. Have had that happen to me before) then it’s not trash talk anymore.

It’s 2022, and “don’t feed the trolls” has demonstrably failed as a tactic for handling people who feel it is their god-given right to show up, bully and scream at people, and force everyone else out of a space so they can dominate it.

He’s not going to care in the slightest about being “called out” or whatever vague

saying banning players for hate speech in a video game makes you “feel icky,” fuckin hell the privilege dripping from that statement

And if you started shouting in someone’s face like this in “tHe PuBlIc SqUaRe” you’d be told to GTFO.

is just making me feel icky. —

“is just making me feel icky.”

I don’t know why anyone should cut him any slack. It’s his schtick, and no amount of “it was a bad day” can change that fact. If you started yelling shit like this dude in almost any business establishment someone would eventually ask you to leave. Why gamers think a digital version of that is any different is -

That’s not sarcasm, that’s cheek, which is infinitely better. Good trash talk is like a good roast. You draw attention to flaws (which everyone has) in a clever way but never demean the person.

Allowing people to be publicly sexist makes me feel icky. Some things need to be removed any way possible.

But here we are, with a candidate in my state who has publicly stated feminism is a Jewish conspiracy to demean white men favored to win the seat he’s running for.

I understand what you’re saying, but this isn’t

This fucker deserved it. Did you listen to the rant?

Nah, verbal abuse should always be ban-worthy, no matter where it is.

“this makes me feel icky”

This excuse of having a bad day is bullshit. I’m sorry. I’ve had absolutely rotten days. I’ve insulted people when they piss me off. Not once have I ever thought to use sexist or racist insults to hurt them. I’m sorry, if you scream that a “female is talking to you” and tell her to do the dishes, then you’re a sexist.

you think people deserve a public forum to spout bad shit?

the public square”

The extremely key distinction here.  Come on.

I'm sorry I've had bad days and gotten pretty salty playing games before. Even kicked over my xbox once and ruined my cod disc. But I've never used misogyny or racism when trash talking. I just use sarcasm. Like asking annoying campers where they bought their camping gear. 

 Anything crypto related is a scam though.