
The fact that this happens in lots of places is exactly the problem. And the fact that you are okay with it and you work in the industry makes you a part of that problem.

Remind me to never accept a job anywhere you work 

Everything you say would make sense, except that THERE WERE MULTIPLE PEOPLE WHO CAME FORWARD BECAUSE THEY WERE HURT BY THIS WORK ENVIRONMENT. I’m writing this in all-caps because it was apparently very easy to miss.

Your two paragraphs were like it’s not a big deal for your boss to call one of his employees retarded so it wasn't especially difficult to make that assessment 

Yeah, I should have added more context. I think the problem is that sexual harassment is still kind of a pandemic, and a lot of grown men (especially in gaming) don’t know how to draw the line between what is and isn’t acceptable behavior towards women.

It sounds like you're exactly the kind of person that wouldn't think any of that isn't an issue 

I don’t understand what a no bullshit policy even means if racist and sexist garbage is not included in what’s considered bullshit


Calling anyone an ableist slur, particularly someone you have power over, is 100% “toxic behavior” and the fact that you can’t recognize that makes me feel sorry for anyone that works with you, and any disabled or neurodivergent person who has to interact with you.

Do they use language that some people may not appreciate, sure, but anyone can be found guilty of that.”

“If it goes too far and people recognize that then it’s stopped”

Nothing about this story actually exhibits any toxic behavior though.

To expand on my earlier comment:

There is literally no other way to describe this other than “gamer moment”.

LOL! You think what he actually does every day is work. Cute.

This isn’t fantasy, it’s basically a porn parody.

Also the fantasy genre has been rife with misogyny and sexism, to this day, it is a huge issue, so what ever point you’re trying to make, it is missing its mark by a mile.

There is a difference between world building and “Wiki-ification” of stories which has been a growing trend lately. Everything—and I do mean EVERYTHING—must be explained eventually. Every character must be connected somehow. There can be zero room for mystery or simply a character to organically exist. Let me try and

“Some people like to see an interesting world deeply realised”

Easy tip to not being accused of appropriation: don’t set your game in a SWANA-inspired setting and then invite your one brown friend, pop on a “safari hat” and call it a day. It’s really not that hard.

It takes a truly weak white person to look at a thoughtful piece like this and call it “outrage journalism.” Check yourself for outlandish overreaction before you start accusing everyone else of it.