
Yeah it's such a creepy response. Like great! I only have to drug her once or twice. Now it's cool? Blech

This, honestly.

The amount of people going “you ‘only’ need to do it X amount of time”.... make me really uneasy, no matter whatever is the in-game context.

I'd rather not play a game where I have to drug my wife at all. Doesn't matter if it's twice or ten times or *X # here*. Also I'm really glad it was spoiled (with warning) specifically because I was considering checking it out and now know I don't want to support the game.

Hire me Raccoon City Logic. I’ll be your token trans. I’ll even say your mediocre, middle-class white man art is “good.”

Most of us are capable of caring about more than one thing at a time 

You know what this feels like? It feels like liberal arts college departmental politics.

The theater department gets troubling reports about an older tenured male professor concerning interactions with students and staff, and instead of firing his ass, the college asks HIM which classes he would feel most comfortable

No! How dare you care about this thing! There are other things you should care about instead! And that other person commenting on the internet should be the final arbiter of what you are allowed to care about!

It’s not a zero sum game. I have unlimited reserves of pissed-off-edness. We’re not gonna run out, don’t worry. 

Bialik has a hilarious vaccine position where she was like “The only vaccine I’ve ever received was the COVID vaccine” 

Isn’t Bialik anti-vax and I can’t think of a term to describe her not feminist views, that maybe, she shouldn’t be given more high profile positions than she already has?

You ruin your own argument with idiocy like “what does kotaku think of paid mounts” like there’s some obvious answer, because ask seven different Kotaku writers and you’ll get seven different answers. And none of those answers is correct or wrong.

Your perspective is completely warped because you just arrived to the new, shiny, happy Asmongold dude.

You mean notable transphobe Asmongold?

Another Kotaku article concerning Asmongold, another failure to mention that he’s a transphobic assclown. Seriously, this is the sort thing Kotaku would normally call someone out for, so what is it, guys? Scared of his fans?

Sounds less complicated and more of an asshole who knows when to turn it off. 

He gladly profits off of being an asshole and willingly encourages other people to be assholes too. The rest of it ceases to matter.

i have not taken the time to know him much, but did some cursory research since people would not shut up about him, and found way more of the trash asshole persona that turned me against him. i get that wow has a “flavor” and that fits in more with it than a nice, likeable human being, but he aint on my data server,

Seriously and honestly, why do so many people enjoy watching Asmongold?

Asmongold is a whiny, petty asshole and even though I’m furious at Blizzard I can’t bring myself to support him in anything he does 

This guy makes navel lint look good. I can’t believe that Kotaku keeps cutting this guy a break. He instigates harassment of developers and can we recall the whole /spit thing where he turned his garbage hamsters loose on hapless gamers in WoW who did nothing more offensive than buy a mount on the store?

c’mon, cut it