
Seems to me it’s a 1,500-word piece full of interesting information that also happens to end with a cliffhanger to tantalize you into checking out the book, but hey what do I know, I just worked here for eight years

I played CP2077 from start to finish with a pile of glitches and a terrible frame rate. It didn’t bother me that much, I’m not one to really care about graphics - I want a good story and a good gameplay experience.

On average an SUV gets on average 23% (from memory but verified) less miles per gallon than a comparable sedan. This makes perfect sense when you think about the added weight from the taller suspension, bigger wheels and tires, and more robust chassis designed for offroading (right) and more metal to enclose more

  1. In 2008, the SUV dominance helped fuel the recession. Gas prices spiked, SUV sales plummeted leaving a ton of backlog on the dealership lots. Many people tried to sell their SUVs for more efficient cars, but because the value of their vehicle dropped so suddenly, they either had to eat the cost of the loan or eat the

“decided to do his own thing and throw everything that preceded his own supposedly woke indulgences in the toilet.” 

I still find it bizarre how little flack Abrams got for casting a pasty, white Englishman as a Southeast Asian Dictator with no explanation as to how said Dictator was literally whitewashed.

You lost me at Andromeda. That game is good, people need to stop smoking crack before they play it. And 3 was great too, only the first ending sucked and they changed it anyway. This game does blow, and I didn't like dragon age of fetchquest but Andromeda was great if you actually play it. Would've loved some dlc or

Skyrim on my PS4 is stuck on my TV.

I can understand that you hate the game.

Right, but none of this is the point of the meme, or of this article.

Well, you know, I don’t think people playing games on the Switch cares that much about “performance”. Sure, games on PS4 or XB1 or PC “outperforms” those on the Switch, but that’s only relevant if someone really cares about those performance aspects (up to a point, of course).

I’m glad to see someone explained it for all these people who think raw power is the only reason someone would prefer to play on a given console.

You’re missing the point of the meme. It’s not that games run better on Switch or worse on other systems.

Then they’re delusional.

I’m sure they’ll do some neat stuff with VR that they aren’t able to do with a regular m/kb setup, but some of the stuff they talked about as being so important to the “ground-up VR experience” is stuff like peeking around corners or throwing grenades.....which we’ve been doing in games for literal decades without VR.


Is that seriously the best comparison you could come up with?

That’s a pretty broad stroke. VR is fine for me but there’s far more than just disabilities that hinder someones enjoyment of VR, on top of just personal taste. It’s like borderline ignorant, or, no it’s just ignorant to assume peoples issues with this game, or any game, being VR is either their disabled or “luddites”.

Just putting this here given he’s trying to hide it.

I feel you, though the real potential bummer to me is if Campo Santo just sort of dissolved into Valve and, consequently, In the Valley of the Gods is either on indefinite pause or canceled. Maybe it’s my whole “being in my mid 30s” thing talking but I am not as frothingly excited about the continuation of HL as I

It’s not really optimistic to report the current machinations behind the scenes.  All he’s saying is that Bioware & EA are fully working on rebuilding Anthem in some form.  He’s not giving advice based on that news, he’s just reporting the news.