


it's new orleans; we don't have basements here.

mine are black boxers.

1. prurient?
2. no.
3. oh god. no.
4. i'd fix the front brakes on my bike.
5. holding my breath.

don't mind me, weeping in the corner, having lost the only one i ever cared for in this world to some canadian…

how do you know this, and… why, god, why?

it sounds like your real issue is you need to just let go. which is probably insanely difficult, and i sympathize with your pain.

was it so bad that you wouldn't want her to be much further in life? or is the fact that you don't think it's true that upsets you?

it can be weird. what are your specific concerns going into this?

do you realize how close new community is?

i joked before watching the movie that it would be perfect if they made out.

i joked before watching the movie that it would be perfect if they made out.

seriously: uncle billy gets fired and encouraged to find a nice, quiet job at a shoe shop or something, right?

seriously: uncle billy gets fired and encouraged to find a nice, quiet job at a shoe shop or something, right?

there are treatments available, i'm sure.

i got the harry belafonte curated collection of african/african-american music, long road to freedom!

you stay away from my man, too!

stay away from my man!

oh my god, yes, that man can do no wrong.