
If they don’t answer on Tinder though, I have to be able to force women to talk to me somehow, right? Right?!?

There is war in Syria. There is no war in London. It is different.

Just out of curiosity, why would you not think this was terrorism even if you didn’t know it was Parliament (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you somehow missed that fact)? Man, probably men, intentionally runs over civilians, crashes car into government building, then jumps out and starts stabbing police

It’s unfortunate that Marine Le Pen is going to exploit their suffering.

I thought Millennial Pink was some band this Old was unaware of and would be subjected to for the next 18 months.

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

I wonder if that will be “aesthetically pleasing” enough?

It gives me extra chills that the person you’re citing was a teacher. If you don’t understand the basic premise of cause-and-effect, you aren’t qualified to teach children.

Congress will NEVER fund this nonsense. They can “talk tough” as much as they like, but can never justify this outrageous expense to their constituents (especially while taking away healthcare and myriad social safety nets).

When does he look attractive to you? I find he either looks like the picture above or looks like the white guys who roam around listening to Tupac and Bob Marley.

They follow strict etiquette and grooming and things like plastic surgery, hair plugs, and botox is included. It’s considered tacky and cheap because it looks fake and while they want beautiful people to marry in, the focus isn’t supposed to be their ‘look’. If you watch them at public engagements you’ll notice other

Yep, clearly the Democrats are the problem.

Hi Susan Sarandon, loved you in ‘The Banger Sisters.’

The “They are a nice person” thing needs to die a firey death. I am so sick of people who lie, cheat, steal, and try to undermine American democracy getting the “they are nice when you meet them” line (Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions seem to get this a lot). Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat

That is one ugly blouse.

When I think shareable entree the first thing that pops into my mind is definitely steak.

I don’t think she’s brilliant. I think she stooped to the lowest common denominator for the election. She lied and cheated as much as Trump supporters do, or want to do.

It’s sad that your first thought was about your/her aging looks. It is OK to age.

I’m British and live in the UK.

I know this piece was tongue-in-cheek, but... The “big deal” aspect of this trip is that it’s William’s first official visit to France/Paris since his mother died.