
Even that would be a pointlessly mean thing to do (unless the cat was unusually comfortable in crowded/noisy places) and would be deserving of a scratch to the face. I really do wish the kangaroo would have kicked these assholes.

I think I hate the harassers more. Theoretically, a few of the Facebook live people might have scrolled past inattentively or assumed it was some kind of staged thing (I don’t know how Facebook live works). The people who are harassing her now KNOW FOR SURE that she was gang raped and they are harassing her BECAUSE

Meanwhile, police have relocated the girl and her family. In addition to the severe emotional and physical trauma of the attack, she’s also dealing with online harassment. WBEZ reports that Police Commander Brendan Deenihan said that people are “making fun of the victim” with “a lot of off color comments” on social

That’s just mean. I don’t get how you don’t realize that before you bring a kangaroo onstage into an environment like that.

My nine-year-old randomly asked about this movie the other day. I told him they canceled it, but it might show up on Netflix in a year or so (when I won’t have to endure it). I got out of the Minions and Angry Birds movies the same way.

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

its not what they are talking about, its what they are not talking about.

Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”

The parents look related to one another (I mean before presumably being husband and wife).

I can’t fucking stand that corpulent, conspiracy peddling, bulldog jowled, balding, paranoid, small dicked, unstable, proudly stupid, retrograde, racist, sexist, man tit having, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, truthphobic, sociopathic, snake oil selling, blood sucking, gun stroking, jiggling bullshit salesman

It sounds as if Jones issued this statement to avoid a lawsuit. If Jines were genuinely sorry he would permanently end his show, which has contributed to the poisoning of our political conversation.

We’ve reached a sad point in our national discourse when we’re patting Alex Jones on the head for admitting Hillary Clinton wasn’t part of a child sex-trafficking ring hosted in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor.

OKAY FINE the owner of Comet Pizza had nothing to do with child sex trafficking but that doesn’t mean Killary had nothing to do with it! Lock her up!

That jiggling psycho is only apologizing because now infowars is being investigated in the russia thing. He’s not genuinely sorry. Btw Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?

Loco Jones is the biggest loser on this board, and that’s including Tomatoface.

I don’t feel like I’ve been “gotten” when it comes to trolls like Loco. An effective troll pushes your buttons and makes you furious. Loco’s second response was just stupid. I didn’t even bother reading it because I could immediately tell it was a waste of my time. If anything I feel like I got him. He spent all of

I would think someone with perfect genes.....hmmm, how do I say this tactfully?.....wouldn’t be so goddamn ugly.

To all the moronic fuckers who either actively wanted/turned a blind eye to this racist, sexist, xenophobic, and downright vile piece of shit because “he was a strong leader”. Look at your strongman President now, running like the fucking coward he is, unable to get his own Party to vote against the ACA which they