Beer Me

Ideal gas law man. Temperature is a function of pressure and density. The only reason you generally write the speed of sound as a function of temperature is because it’s a simpler equation. You can just as accurately write it as sqrt(bulk modulus / density).

Driver’s seat?

Stanced Toyota RAV3

Such a ridiculous double standard when it comes to catching your spouse masturbating. The few times I’ve caught my wife or found out about it later I’m like “Hey now, that’s hot...want some company?” But whenever she catches me it’s all “Gross! What’s wrong with you? At least wait until the funeral is over!”

My ‘98 is rolling strong at 264k. Got it on craigslist for $900 about 16,000 miles ago. Just about to go through the front end with shocks, brakes, wheel bearings, U-joints, etc. The only engine work required so far has been cap/rotor plugs and wires. Uses about a quart of oil between 5000 mile changes. And it’s not

See, the difference is you don’t even need to touch the four-liter to get to 250,000 miles.

Usually, the oil pump will last the life of the vehicle, the timing chain will last the life of the vehicle, the lifters will last the life of the vehicle. Yeah, it’ll leak like crazy, but seriously: just change the oil and the

Four-liters are exceptionally reliable, especially ones built between ‘91 and ‘97. On the later models, you tend to hear more about piston skirt problems, but even those are known to go 250,000 without rebuilds.

Obviously, your mileage will vary, but by and large, if you just put oil and a new filter into the thing

Just make it one of those fun invites.

God save us from President Pence.

I’ll take disgruntled ex in a custody dispute for 500, alex.

Am I the only one that noticed it was the ‘Yota car? Though he hasn’t said anything about the Japanese exporters, I’m pretty sure he would have rather had the livery on something that was an American brand (even if the Camry is just about the most American car sold in America right now)

I may make a slight edit and go with 4oz and no club soda, but I’m down with this all day.

Yeah but that’s not “double-elimination.” A double-elimination tournament is basically what you get when you have a consolation bracket that produces a finals competitor.

I mean, crossovers ARE all the rage these days...

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

I don't think Ice House and Red Dog count as microbrews.

Think its a decade car? Might fire this over to the girlfriend. She is in need of a shitbox to replace her shitbox lancer. As long as its reliable and relatively quiet she wont mind and maybe all of the backup stuff would keep her from running into things. I see a couple of GTs around with the 2.4 motor in it, I would

If he blows a tire, hits a deer, hydroplanes on a puddle, runs into an unexpected brick or hammer, or pretty much anything untoward happens...he can slide, still doing 150, into the back of a minivan full of kids, or across the center divider and have a 220mph head on.

I would gladly trade you my team’s awesome color scheme for that accidental title.