glatisant the second

On the other hand, having Gwen Stefani as a judge on The Voice is also like having Meghan McCain be a judge on Project Runway.

I’d watch that reboot just to see Tim Gunn’s face every time she spoke. 

She is only sorry for  her book being canceled 

Whoever took this fool out of the grey, does not deserve the power to take people out of the grey.

I thought you were exaggerating, but instead you were underselling it. If one could imagine the most joyless possible version of this song, this goes like 20 steps further into depression than that.  

He’s like Iron Man ish sometimes.

When you see one set of footprints

I know Don Cheadle is a straight upgrade to Terrence Howard, but I rewatched Iron Man last night and I definitely buy Terrence Howard more in the role of “guy who would be friends with Tony Stark and put up with his shit.”

I hear Ed Norton and Terrence Howard are setting up their own superhero cinematic universe, with blackjack and hookers.

Maybe the real Hulk is the post-credits sequence we made along the way......

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

Jamie Lee Curtis approves this message.

It doesn’t matter what size your labia is with this outfit. It matters whether you plan to move your legs more than one millimeter apart while wearing it. Because if your legs move, your labia move, and that bodysuit will end up cutting you in half in a way that is so painful that, you, being a man - can’t even

Oh god. I can literally feel what would happen with a jumping jack. Thanks for the cringe.

I posit that such an outfit is to be worn during the arousal phase of sexual interaction and not a moment longer. You plan on taking in the opera with this outfit, you get all the swamp crotch you can ask for. 

Ok, I’m old. These ultra high cuts were called French cut in the 80s. (I don’t know! I was just there.) I remember very vividly being a tween on the beach with a bunch of older women attempting the same body suit.

Every set of eyes was on the beach like... “Wait, hold on, any second now... that cat is about to jump

I for one am shocked that Bethesda rushes something out only for it to crash almost immediately.

I feel like this is kind of the nature of music, though. Very little of it stands the test of time, but a great deal of it means something to a person or a group of people at a certain time. I remember earnestly singing to songs that legitimately make me cringe now (I’m looking at you, Backstreet Boys’ “Incomplete”).

This is such a Debbie Downer post to throw out there, but here goes. My half-brother molested me. The relative who molested him also molested my dad. My dad and I are close, and we do 5Ks together, or partner up to do relay marathons. I am in my 40s, and my son and I visit my folks for a sleepover every now and then,

She couldn’t just call them liars like a normal shitbag?