Halsey is a full mess in an ill-fitting trench... skirt?, a bra you’d wear on a Sunday afternoon, and gladiator pumps that are giving more the mummy than Badgalriri.
Halsey is a full mess in an ill-fitting trench... skirt?, a bra you’d wear on a Sunday afternoon, and gladiator pumps that are giving more the mummy than Badgalriri.
Yeah, my Sunday bra is called “no bra”.
A dress meant for Grandma of the bride + peplum.
like, maybe a farcical seth mcfarland western?
Tom is that good-looking guy that you can’t believe is single. And halfway through the first date you realize that there are many valid reasons that no one wants to date him.
Do I want to sleep with him or steal his cat?
Funny how some people expect Blac to just stay and put up with any kind of treatment from Rob because ... scammer.
I was always Team Logan before, but I’m not liking Netflix Logan.
someone just tell me what the last four words are