
This show is like ER. On forever even though no one has watched it in over a decade.

Jay Leno only had enough time in his monologues to mention Bill Clinton 4,607 times. Fixed.

Me thinks Aziz Ansari used Seth Rogan in this promo so he would seem more funny in comparison. Its like trying to make polio not look so bad by having it sit next to leprosy.

So sick of the lame hipsters that come on here to bash this show. The show wears its heart on its sleeves yet you guys like to attack it because that is "amusing" to some of you nerds. You guys are in the minority though. The media (sparring this shit site), viewers, and award programs recognizes this is one of the

Don't fucking watch it if you don't like it!

Obviously most people don't think it is crap considering its been nominated for countless Golden Globes and Emmy's and is one of highest rated programs in premium cable history.

Great insight, loser.

Do you have a life outside of being a troll?

Its still early. All of the previews of this season apparently don't go beyond episode 4.

No way will Hannibal do what Dexter has done over 8 seasons. As flawed as season 5 and 6 were, season 7 had me on the edge for the entire season. The conversation in the gay bar between Michael C Hall and Ray Stevenson was better than anything in season 1 of Hannibal.

You do realize the late 60's was the height of white flight, right? There was no gentrification going on, quite the opposite.

Sometimes I dream that this show ended after the fourth season.

The show will end with Dick Whitman (who was from the east coast) going to the west coast where Don Draper was from while Draper "dies" in New York. Make sense?

Anything Rhodes or Steele said.

You have no soul then.

Dawn Of The Dead is still one of my favorite films. Day Of The Dead is still a quotable gem though. The long drawn out dialog scenes are great.

Man Shit Steel

Why does Seth Rogen still have a career?

Cool story, bro.

Its because Mad Men is a better show than the Wire.