Glass Devaney

TDKR didn't feature Catwoman. It did have a Selina in it, but she was never referred to as Catwoman. It helps to think of the Nolan movies as existing outside of the normal Batman continuity.

I've been doing this for years, only instead of "Pizza" it's labeled "Debt Collector"...

Thanks Crane, for telling us that we don't understand how Kickstarter 'works' because we aren't giving you money. What a baby. I'd also like to point out that many child stars have gone on to have very successful careers. Mention Jason Bateman and most will think Arrested Development, not Little House on the Prairie.

More and more of the Software titles are $47.99 pre-orders at Newegg. Could those possibly be put in it's own section in the future?

DO NOT purchase this. Since purchasing and installing, my battery life is garbage. Going down about one percent a minute when not in use, faster when in use. My phone is also very hot since installation—even when not in use. I turned it off in my settings and there has been no change. I'm going to have to uninstall.

Absolutely my favorite armor in that game! Beautifully done.

1. Person implements this idea 2. Other family member or guest uses bathroom, grabs towel to dry hands 3. Snap.

Well, they had an average of 1600 users using their service at the same time, which doesn't meant they had that many subscribers in total. It obviously indicates that they don't have the two million users they claimed to have. I'd believe they had that many inactive accounts, from people that signed up for a free

NO WAY. I'm in. You sold me.

Asshole who proudly killed Japanese in past years? Kind of like how the Japanese proudly killed Americans in past years? Should I still be upset about that?

I went from Seashore to Pixelmator probably around a year ago. You definitely made the right choice!

I'm in. I figure at this price if I enjoy ONE of the books, I made out. Even if I don't, I'm happy to support the process. That said, I'm sure I'll enjoy most if not all of them. :)

I'd rather have a Log.

Grabbed the app based on this response. Thanks!

It'd be nice if they snagged Marv Wolfman instead of Dini for this one.

I've had this since launch. For those curious—it mainly works with older music or music that isn't remastered. The Wall remastered sounds better on it's own than through this app, for example. Also, I barely use it as most music I listen to is through Spotify or Google Music. Happy with the purchase (I went with the

Not going to dig it if like the comic, a third of it is news reports. I personally think Dark Knight Returns is overrated. Yeah, he's old. And oh man is it mid/late-80's 'gritty'. Super.

Wasn't aware of the rule until now. Been playing games since the 2600 (I know, I know, not ULTRA-oldschool), but growing up I didn't care about things like this. At 29 I definitely do now, so the post is appreciated. I'll definitely read up more on this type of thing. KeilG, do you have any books you'd recommend?

Skate OR Die. I actually forgot all about that game until I saw it in this article.

Thanks for your insight! I hadn't thought of it that way. I still think that the margins must be larger—there's not a gas bill for the trucks, or salary for the drivers, etc. But I definitely see your point.