Glass Devaney

Yeah, this is only five bucks off. If it were on sale for ten I'd be impressed (like many games are at Target and quite often at Best Buy).

The weather forecast is 8-10 degrees off each day, making that aspect of it worthless for me. Shame, as it looked like an ideal solution.

I find the Kindle versions are only cheaper by a dollar or two. And honestly, that doesn't make sense to me. Real books must be manufactured and shipped, meaning there are hundreds if not thousands of hands involved that all need to be paid. With digital books, that's not the case. It's just all profit. If they were


I felt the same way. Read the first couple of sentences, scan, scan, scan... OKAY WHERE IS THE ACTUAL INFORMATION?!?

'Upgrading' from a physical copy to a digital seems a bit backward to me. I'd much prefer the option other way 'round. Enjoying that overpriced pdf? Want the real thing? Upgrade!

What's funny is that I was thinking the exact same thing at that scene. Also, why haven't I seen the Tick/Arthur dudes and the Earthworm Jim players posted anywhere else???

I was just about to pull the trigger the other day, and told my wife "nope. The second I do it'll go on sale." Whoo hoo! Saved five bucks! Thanks for the heads up! :)

That was a frustration of mine as well. Chromizer will get you sorted. :)

It's so much easier to just jailbreak, honestly. I'd hate having to jump through hoops every time I clicked a link.

Yesterday I was checking Cydia every few hours to see if BrowswerChanger had been updated. Thanks for the heads up! Updating now :)

Only the second Darkness was made by Digital Extremes. The first was made by Starbreeze Studios if I remember correctly.

By the time this comes out, I'll have played Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite, at least one Skyrim expansion, The Last of Us, and probably half a dozen other amazing games that'll suck 50 hours of my life each. After all of that, I'm not sure I'll still be interested in this game when it comes out.

Good man! Well done, and thank you for sharing this!

Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!

Having to jump to the to of each article to go back/initiate Readability has been driving me crazy as well. Also, my feeds are broken down into stems, so I'll have 'music software' and then a dozen or so feeds nested within. I used to be able to easily switch between seeing all of the articles within that group in

Yeah I'm running into that too. Also, marking some articles as 'read' is doing nothing, and sometimes when I click on an article a previously read article pops up instead. This is a mess and is clearly not ready for prime time. I don't know why this was released as-is.

I can't believe how many people are complaining. This game looks like a ton of fun. I really enjoyed MKvDC, and always thought "I wish they'd get rid of these MK characters and make it a DC fighting game!" Now I'm getting my wish. Do I agree with every decision they're making? Of course not. But I don't have to agree

As soon as I saw the steps in the game I thought of this, and figured it was inspired heavily by it. Congratulations for going!

I wonder if Sony/game devs are going to step in to prevent this from affecting trophies.