Glass Devaney

*I* was saying "Boo-urns".

I hate to admit this, but while at first I loved the fist AC, about three quarters through I got tired of the same missions over and over again and put the game down. I never picked up 2, despite hearing how much better it was. I'd just lost all interest in the franchise. Until now. I seriously can't wait to own this

Holding the home button and saying "call John" is probably easier than this. Neat idea though. Well executed.

Can't wait to give the new map a whirl! I know some people have a problem with the game being a paid free-to-play game, but I'm enjoying it without spending another dime just fine.

Prima got back to me surprisingly quickly (within about 24 hours). They told me that I was SOL. Stuck with the cripplingly slow web-based map.

I've written to Prima for clarification, but I'll be surprised if they answer me. Last time I wrote them they took almost a month to get back to me, and weren't helpful. It's a shame as I really like their Skyrim guide, but I definitely won't be supporting their company from here on out.

The second paragraph answers your question.

Prima tells people that an iPad map will be free with the purchase of the Skyrim Collector's Edition Guide, and then still charges us for it after a several-month delay. You stay classy, Prima.

I like to have one decent Vodka, two Whiskeys (one Irish, one American), Rum (usually two, one being Sailor Jerry's, another being less spiced), any kind of Gin, some decent Tonic Water (cane sugar only), and usually a Brandy. I know that's not a fully stocked bar of course, but it covers the bases for any drink I'd

Absolutely don't appreciate that picture. There's a reason I don't go to PETA's website. Well, many reasons, but still.

I'm interested in Minecraft in theory. Then I realize I'd rather play Skyrim.

Beat me to it. I was going to say "I had failed. Then I realized buying or stealing ideas was easier."

So people could walk in, pull out their iPhone, pretend to scan it, smile at everyone around them, and walk out? Sounds suspiciously like the honor system to me. I wonder how they're going to control that.

Grabbed it, tried it on myself, two coworkers. No luck :(

Leads, yeah, sure! I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!

I remember working at a Guitar Center in San Diego. I had an Asian customer who was upset about a Tascam CD burner not doing what they wanted it to do. He kept yelling at me: "I put da dick in! No mini no nodding! I put da dick in! Nodding!" He meant "I put the disc in! No MIDI no nothing!" But it was insanely

Send... More... Paramedics....

Generally they do it because they feel comfortable there. If you ever go to Petco when they're having their adoption days, most of the cats in the cages will be in their litter boxes.

In my college days I'd do this: When I'd realize my account was about to go into the red, I'd take $300 out of an ATM after banks had closed, which would overdraw my account. The next morning, before the banks had opened, I'd take out another $300. That's a six hundred dollar loan, and depending on the bank, you'll be

I remember when iCloud was announced—I was stoked! It looked better than Amazon's cloud player, and I was happy to pay whatever small yearly fee Apple was going to charge. Then Spotify became available in the US, and iCloud seems like iCrap in comparison.