Glass Bridge Truther

I remember watching one of the last press conferences Lebron had when he was a senior in high school. (Ha ha. Think about the statement I just typed—how fucking awesome has this guy’s life been?) So a reporter tried to zing him by bringing up the fact that it was a little suspicious a kid “from your background” was

As a Cavs fan, I just loved his whole fucking speech... it completely put to bed the whole “LARBON ONLY TALKS ABOUT HIMSELF” thing.

How can I give this negative stars?

This is good kinja.

Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:

Especially this post. I mean, they mention LeBron in the title, and literally every other sentence throughout. And in a post about the Warriors and Dirk. For shame!


Congratulations. Single dumbest comment posted on the internet so far about the Finals. No easy task!

Spicy hot take. Handle with care.

LeBron is way the best basketball player in the world, and has been for every moment of his NBA career.

RJ ESSAY BOOK — Draft 1 — 6/24/2016

if Riley made certain personnel decisions, or if James altered his game in certain ways, it was for the mutual benefit of all.

Perhaps if Riley convinced his billionaire owner to sacrifice by paying the luxury tax the year before in order to keep the team together, he could have better convinced a not-billionaire that everybody there was sacrificing. Instead, they traded away assets important to James to avoid paying the repeater tax.

Note Steph could have chosen to go by Love on his first possession, but saw LeBron lurking as free safety underneath. Surely his anxiety spiked after getting owned by LeBron all series, and he decided to take his chances hoisting a contested 3 over Love instead.

I went back and watched the last 4 almost scoreless minutes again, and while everyone else is just watching the long threes flat-footed, Kevin Love is sprinting in from three point line, positioning himself for a rebound. Good for him.

“You’re making the biggest mistake of my career.”- Pat Riley

I guess you could say that the death line-up’s play on the court in Game 7 was

Last night was amazing. I went downtown to watch the game. I’ve never been with a more electric crowd and when they won it was louder than any place I’ve ever been.

In my office just outside Akron, OH everyone is smiling this morning. On a Monday morning. What a great day.

Here’s Jordan’s performance on the VORP leaderboard over his career: