
Poop and oral in the same title. That's it, everything has now officially been won.

Literally just finished watching this. Still my fave show of the moment.

Murder's illegal too, but it happens in plenty of movies. As does spousal abuse, and so on…

Things I approve of; this news.

I can't tell if this is a perversely honest advertorial…

That was my point, haha.

This makes no sense, Bean's meant to d… actually I guess that'd be a spoiler of sorts.

Damn it, Brendon, you're never gonna play Ash in a (completely unrelated to the already planned) remake of The Evil Dead at this rate…

Haha, got me there. I really must get around to watching Fringe…

Weeeeell I won't get too excited for a good sci-fi show on the network that had no idea what to do with its last good sci-fi show.