Now playing

Probably already posted, but another explanation of the hoaxiness of the whole thing.

*Lead photo not to scale.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times?! Stupid monkey!

@BeanBone: "5) Have a few sours on hand for God's sake"

@sirrix: Transparent aluminum....?

In addition to the strong possibility of a photochemical reaction that causes "skunking," if you're siphoning beer into these tubes, you run a risk of infecting the beer when the bottles are cracked and transferred to the containers. Infections will turn a beer to shit if it gets out of hand. It's not worth the risk

@WilliamTheFifth: The first thing I noticed with the picture/headline: Isn't Picard's communicator pin on the wrong side? I thought I was in some sort of mirror universe.