
I would agree, that we need to temper our initial response to things that comedians say as a part of a performance, but this to me was not Shane Gillis the comedian missing badly on an ill-conceived joke, it was Shane Gillis the man shooting the breeze and letting all kinds of racist nonsense spew from his yap...

I don’t know that is quite a bit of critical thinking for someone whose name sounds eerily close to Ainsley Airhead...if there was one person at Faux News that I would believe really just wants everyone to be “nice to each other” like they were in the aftermath of 9/11(unless you were Muslim or looked like one) it

I feel like this is a dumb letter that was only written so the LW could see her know-it-all brother in law get thrashed repeatedly, of course, you’re being ripped off that is how restaurants make money, and you know that when you walk in the door...

Kit Kats, Hershey kisses and bars...Quite a few I prefer chilled, not necessarily frozen, like Twix and Peanut M&Ms

I wouldn’t necessarily say stupid in all cases, but a little too trusting of people that are either somewhat likable or sound somewhat insightful...

This is true, but I’m leaning more toward this coward was not as drunk as he and his defense would like people to believe, in any case, drunk or not, sexual assault is sexual assault, hopefully this clown will end up in a cell block sooner rather than later...

LOL, Oprah made a ton of money off of promoting these clowns, the only people that “fell for anything” are the people that trust tv personalities to do anything other than shill BS to make themselves more money...

And especially to be gay and not flamboyant because there is a space where society will “allow” gay men to live unimpeded but to be gay and still reside in what they consider masculine spaces is very tough and shame on these guys for trying to act like they don’t recognize it, but I guess if you are essentially a

100%...This was Kevin’s opportunity to really show all that remorse he was claiming when he was trying to save his Oscar job, and yet he acts like he doesn’t understand why a gay black man would still feel threatened and afraid to be who they truly are, and I’m going to hold him to the fire because I respect his

Scarlett Johansson...

Of course in our current climate, if you ask your average “middle American”, conservative family, they’d probably tell you that everyone in Hollywood is some version of LGBTQ, and yet they still go out and watch these big blockbuster type movies on the regular, so if Kevin Feige were to cast KS as freakin Squirrel

Only if they have enough money after buying multiple acres of real estate in Greenland...

I don’t know if anyone really could have anticipated how social media would boost this freakin’ chicken sandwich up the way it did, you had way too many people that either had never eaten at Popeye’s or hadn’t been in ages going to see what the hype was about just based off of an internet trend, not necessarily a love

Not to mention the idjits that make these complaints can’t wait to go to the polls and vote against their own interests...

I don’t know, starting some shit because you know you have the ultimate equalizer on your side, seems a tad like premeditation, but I guess it would be hard to prove that he was itching for his Zimmerman moment...

Unfortunately, their stupidity is not confined to social media, it follows them and us into very important real-world situations, like traffic merging lanes and voting booths...

Or also very possible, he could be Jones’ backup in 4 or 5 years...

As was always the plan, I don’t think the elites that dreamed up this country ever desired a well-educated populace, well trained yes, but not educated...

The only thing wrong in this situation is a feckless manager, who chose to shame this woman, probably at the behest of a jealous patron who caught her significant other looking in the direction of the young lady, I can’t really see any other reason for a random person to make such a big deal out of another person’s

I understand why the business end wants it with the meat products, more prospective eyes on the product, but if you’re a card-carrying vegan or vegetarian for moral/ethical reasons, the last thing you want to do is be reaching over dead animals to get your Beyond Meat...