
37-year-old Black man here, and I’ve never tasted Henny and have no interest in it, but full disclosure, while I’m not a teetotaler, I also have never really been super into drinking alcohol, perhaps one night too many babysitting my grown ass drunk uncle...

That kind of insight requires some knowledge of history, and everyone knows book learning is for liberal commies...

Nope, he was more than likely hoping for a “feared for my life” moment, so he could get away with killing a black person...

Kevin, you will never do better than you did here, bravo...

When the Pizza Hut closest to me is having a good day, I’m not going to find anything measurably better unless I travel 50+ miles probably, the problem is the quality control is so shoddy, I usually just end up making myself satisfied with a frozen pizza from Kroger...

Well, God wouldn’t actually speak to a woman, their dainty ears cannot handle the power of his thunderous voice...

Well, if you are a dyed in the wool member of the MAGA tribe, pretense is so 90's,...His being black is the only reason great grandpappy would have needed to string him up, so if it’s good enough for great grandpappy, it’s good enough for them now...

Nope...nope..nope...not going to watch this at all.

It most definitely is white nonsense, but also seems to be really useful at developing the glutes...

Well damn Steve, I guess you were sleeping too long for NBC’s taste, got to cut it down to an hour a night, I guess...

What fan over the age of 12, doesn’t acknowledge that wrestling is scripted...

Who needs Sox, when you’ve got your Shorts...

I’d say worry less about the servers’ paycheck and more about why you as a supposed “top chef” are not able to command more money, and here’s a hint, it ain’t because the servers are making all the money...

I guess my Black card had been revoked because I stopped washing my chicken years ago if the cooking process doesn’t kill the germs, that lil water ain’t gonna do nothing...

Since we’re discussing bad ideas, why stop at 4 pointers, how about flop points, after each game, league officials rule on all the egregious flops that generated made free throws and that team starts their next game in the negative, so if Harden makes 10 pts from the charity stripe based off egregious flops, the

It is highway robbery, but it’s not like the local theater is getting anywhere close to a huge chunk of those Avengers: Endgame ticket sales, concessions keep theaters open for business...

Nah, I didn’t gloss over it, and of course, as a rational person, I agree that as it is JUST a movie, violence is certainly a huge overreaction, but I disagree with the idea that spoilers don’t screw up the experience somewhat...

point taken and duly noted...

Exactly, all this nonsense about spoilers not really ruining a movie, no shite Sherlocks, of course, if the movie is generally good, you’re still going to like it, doesn’t mean it’s cool for some douchenozzle to reveal plot points before I get to see the movie for myself especially if they are doing it intentionally...

Keep up the good work Vlade, Jeanie Buss might try to steal you from Sac-town...