
As an extremely casual enthusiast in his 30s, this change pleases me. I’m impressed by these tweens with their fast building reflexes but its fucking annoying as shit to get the drop on someone then get jacked because the fucker can build fast.

This would be all well and good if consumers had proper digital rights and if DRM didn’t abuse those rights that aren’t properly protected yet.

her excuse is so horrible ... F for effort .. because whyyy would your phone even AUTO correct to a racial slur unless you’ve used it.

There is nothing messy about it. Pirro put her hand in the face of a black woman. She’s lucky to be breathing. Pirro is the 53% of Becky’s that think they get to lecture people of color regardless of gender on how to live and act. Fuck that fugly bitch and anyone down with her.

What upsets me, is that they haven’t done the same to Meghan. She needs to go! First, for having parents who put an unnecessary “h” in her name. Second, for being a right-wing apologist on MWF and so-called progressive-traditional conservative (WTH is that?!) on TuTh. The Pirro’s of the world are NOT the problem.

He’s a garbage human. And he raped her. He needs to be off the air and find other work. Nobody is surprised this came up. Nobody. And the only folk defending him are the same black men who defend black men who sexually abuse women, especially black women.

I was already truly done with Charlemagne Tha God when he started caping for White Supremacist Barbie Tomi Lahren. This just shows I made the right choice.

He hurried up and took that shit it never existed.

lol. “value realization leader.” what a fucking asshat.

What, exactly does a “Value Realization Leader” do...besides think up ways to harass Black folks?

Nah it’s actually good


I’ve been playing a ton of this, it’s awesome. Pros for me:

I think the forges are the best thing the game brings to the table. They force encounters, and punish turtling. And requiring a kill to forge your class weapon just encourages this even more.

As a PUBG player who has tried to enjoy Fortnite and just never really could (I respect its success, just hasn’t clicked for me), I love this one. Who knows how long it’ll stick around, but chasing around a downed enemy who’s become a chicken waving a white flag is just plain fun to me.

Go to Jezebel. They are everywhere come Mother’s Day.

Because you will be damned if anyone tries to make you pay for porn!

We should all care about Net Neutrality