
Voting is an exercise in self-delusion... they control who can vote and who can’t. The voter purges endorsed by the Supreme Court (with a justice they stole), voter ID to disenfranchise, gerrymandering, kneecapping the Voting Rights Act... it’s all by design. There’s no reason to vote because America doesn’t have free

Consumers need options, not monopolies.

The first and true Serenity.

I can invite you to my home during a party, write “Do Not Drink” of a $100,000 wine, and you drink it anyway. Sure you can do that, but it doesn’t mean I’ll invite you over again.

I browse through the store fairly regularly (I wanna say twice a month). So I suppose yes we do exist?

The issue at hand is that people have been advocating for Alice Marie Johnson long before Kim K. even knew her name, and it was only through her white privilege that she was able to get an audience with the President. That she did a good thing is commendable, but that she will get outsized credit for doing so is part

That man gleefully shouting “YES!” for the culture.

Since when do cops check ID’s for the person that called them?

The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.

Problem with a hanging notice is that people won’t read it. Espiecally not the parents of young children because they are contantly overwhelmed and inwardly focused. The motto of the parents of young children generally seems to be “fuck your rules, I have kids to take care of and therefore am more important.”

P5: The Animation really? It looks worse then the game it is based on, it has all the issues of being based on a JRPG, the emotional gut punch in the middle of the first arc is so poorly done its a travesty, and there is also the fact the game is the purest form of the story. There is much better this season all

LeVar Burton and Ta Nehisi Coates need to appear in Kanye’s bedroom some night dressed as ghosts and make Ye read some damn books.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Right, he felt that. I don’t think Kanye gets any kind of that talk...straight talk...from anyone around him.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

Wasn’t expecting that video of the women hugging and crying together to make my eyes watery, but there you go.

They are suing reporters instead of fixing their own culture. I was looking forward to this game too. Hard pass now

“Do we want to talk about homophobia?” Cage told the paper. “We work with Ellen Page, who is fighting for LGBT rights. Do we want to talk about racism? We are working with Jesse Williams, who is fighting for civil rights in the United States... Judge my work.”

This is horrible news, and it’s put me in a horribly precarious position.