
Lets be frank Sony is playing hardball because they can. They wont come out and say it but its pretty obvious what they’re doing - you want to play Fortnight with your friends well you better have a Playstation too. Nintendo and Microsoft are playing nice for the obvious reasons they just don’t have the numbers to

Is this sarcasm?

Fortnite, Splatoon, Mario Tennis, Mario Kart, NBA, Doom, Minecraft, Rocket League are all frequently played online. 

Posted it before, but found this hilarious.

Hearing Buzz and Woody with dubbed with Japanese is as funny as I imagined it would be.

me, five minutes ago: this is a cynical piece of trash made to revive the Rabbids brand because of Minions and I can’t believe my Mario boys are being thrown in with them

Riley, I’m in the back of an LA cab, not sure sure where I am and playing some Fire Emblem Heroes. On the plane, I took down a very prickly testsucabra in Monster Hunter.

Seems like a super cool dude. I wasn’t aware of a service like this existing other than mangagamer, so it’s good that even more material can be shared without having to resort to piracy. That bit about going up the mountain was great haha

So, speculation time? Action RPG, like Ultimate Alliance? Full-blown RPG? Fighting game? Dating sim? Racer?


Cheaters just want to be the very best, like every other cheater is.

Everyone should buy Sun because I’m getting Moon.

I’ve been hoping games would start doing this for a while. There’s a lot of time, money, and effort that go into dubbing, especially if you want to do it well. Bad dubs ruin a game fast, to the point where there are games I’ve muted rather than listen to them (thankfully, those are much rarer these days.)

Weird, I always found the Japanese cast to be much better. I assumed they dropped the English because more people just played with Japanese voices anyways. Same thing with Guilty Gear.