Um. That is a seriously misleading tweet image crop of an email that has been WIDELY circulated today:
Um. That is a seriously misleading tweet image crop of an email that has been WIDELY circulated today:
Not sure how this in any way refutes humanity’s lack of creativity when it comes to place names.
Yeah I mean that lolly is totally the wrong color first of all.
Ha, I’m reading the stories now and she couldn’t possibly come off as more of a monster. I’m an idiot.
Genuinely curious: What other word would be preferable? To me, “workers” means “people who work.” I don’t necessarily think there’s any implication of wages there. Obviously, the work done by slaves wasn’t done by their choice, but they were primarily (forcibly) brought over to (forcibly) work.
No way, that would require a lot more than 30 showers afterwards!
What a fucking strange thing to complain about. Always has to be something.
For the last six years, Jennifer Lopez has been fighting a legal battle to keep footage shot by her first husband…
I’m sorry wisht, I can’t get behind this. Rape by deception?! No. No no no.
He’s so edgy!
Battery. People, please learn the distinction.
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.
When i was young i was taught to express myself without caring about what others thought of me, apprently that was the wrong thing to learn, i should have instead listened to people who told me “i couldn’t do X, because i am too fat, or too stupid, or too white”
Oh so this whole thing isn't sarcastic then? Obviously. History will ignore them. Yay? The important thing is to make fun of his appearance
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.
There’s an obscure 1994 Saturday Night Live sketch called “Pepper Boy” that at least one friend of Chris Farley’s now…
Law and Order: SVU
Whoa, wait, what’s wrong with Jewfro? How else can I describe my hair? Einstein-esque? Slightly kinky super curly very frizzy? I’m not appropriating anything but the “fro” phoneme here, my hair sans a perm is kinky and curly and when untamed, is very much like a natural or Afro style.