
This well-constructed spy bot has closed its eyelids to facilitate uploading of information to its home base.

A secret camera and microphone in the door panel is recording these three spies, who will soon be vaporized by a device that will crash through the window.

This expression is so serious, more suited to a Left Bank cafe discussion of existentialism in the 1950s than the 2016 Detroit show. Or perhaps I underestimate the weightiness of the topics you are pondering.

He wants something. What is it?

Is this unappreciative person failing to experience awe at the sight of these handles?

Cannot tell you how happy I am to see this out of focus image. It actually offers a clearer view of the handles’ handle-ness.

like seeing the dark side of the moon

Like synchronized swimming. Only with more clothes and less water. And more noise, I guess.

and there is the mother ship, hovering over Boston.

if you look carefully, you can see the alien’s communication device with its mother ship.

evil subway-manipulating alien, cleverly disguised as a piece of equipment

Is your car winking at me?


Glad to see the smile.

Glad to hear Raphael is okay.

Robert Proctor pointed out that automobile combined Greek and Latin roots, so the word should either be autokinetikon (as above) or the Latin ipsomobile. Which I like better.

All that a/c on trains just blasts heat out onto the platforms. Hot, for sure. But the wait is only minutes.

Fire-breathing driver?

Great out of focus.