Fuck, I thought you meant the band
Fuck, I thought you meant the band
It’s saying Laurel, how is this even a blog post
Why does it exist? Why should I care?
It means exactly what I intended it to mean. If you’re into motorcycles, this style of Japanese bike is everywhere. I guess the acronym is more common as “Universal”, but I’ve always known it at Ubiquitous.
I am quite aware of what the words I write mean. Thanks, though.
I think sound “tubes” are okay, but anything that utilizes a speaker to amplify engine noise can take a hike
Blacked out lights.
SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.
This ruined it for me. Zero emotiomal depth to scene because you know none of it will stick. Soon as T’Challa and Parker were gone. It was like well none of this matters I guess since it’s going to be guaranteed flipped in part two. If it were older heroes like Cap and Stark there might be more credulity to the scene.…
Why don’t you tell us the story of how chiropractic came to be, and please don’t leave out the part about the seance. Chiropractic is quackery. At its most scientifically “rigorous,” it offers no benefit over PT. It’s entirely superfluous, and should be banned outright.
So, what I’m hearing is that you’re just an accident waiting to happen.
Double clutch rev match downshift into 1st. The synchros in your gearbox are designed to not let you shift into 1st at speed.
In my old Golf I could double clutch downshift into first and peg it near redline at 6k (28 mph). If I can do that you can do it moving 4 mph
That’s not a synchro thing, that’s normal. You really shouldn’t be dropping to 1st unless you are at a standstill.
I have a buddy with a 2500 Ram diesel, towing capacity is north of 20K pounds. He never uses 1st gear. It solely exists to get big loads moving. You can let it out without touching the gas and it won’t stall.