
I’m getting tired of the way the moneyed elite are being portrayed in the Gilded Age. I don’t expect realism from Julian Fellowes but it’s clear he glorifies the capitalist class and I find it rather sinister.

Yes. You are right. In Chicago during the late 1970s the punk rock and new wave scene was centered around Wax Trax Records on Lincoln Ave. The owners of the store Jim and Danny were gay men (I knew them during that period) whose taste in music was wide ranging. The store featured disco, glam, r&b and country music as

Yup. So homophobic and Anti-black.

That joke was extremely offensive and amazingly funny! I couldn’t stop laughing for about 5 minutes.

I agree Tracey Ullman’s Irma Kostroski has to be the all time best guest star in the history of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She needs to return for the season 12 - though I’m doubtful she will.

The book (Nightmare Alley) is good too.

I was robbed at gunpoint in Soho in the early 2000s. One of the first questions the police asked me was if I could identify the robber, I said I couldn’t. The policemen though polite acted as though they didn’t believe me when I told them - I only saw the guy for around 30 seconds and I knew I couldn’t identify the

That’s what my mother told me years ago.

Thanks. I go to Jezebel now because checking the webiste is more of an automatic reflex rather than from a real interest in the content they now produce.

I’m hoping Beth and Howard keep Grogu, but they rarely have foster fails so I doubt Grogu will be a permanent resident.

I hope all those women who read and raved about Sandberg’s book Lean-in are embarrassed they recommended it to their friends.

He is a ghoul but I also thinks he looks a lot like Joe Manchin.

At least to me Knives out wasn’t a great film - watchable but mostly average. I realize also movies are a matter of personal preference....

I find this formula often backfires - even with all the great talent involved. I hope I am wrong.

I agree. Star studded movies and famous guest stars on TV shows are generally a big turn off for me. I stopped watching Portlandia after they started stuffing every episode with famous guest stars.

My mother coddled my brothers so it’s not surprising they turned out they way they did. If a friend asked me what my brothers would be like as potential partners, I would definitely tell them - don’t marry them unless you want to be scullery maid as well as a wife and mother. I know it’s not all the mother’s fault but

As an identical twin - if my twin said the shit your mother’s twin sister said to you - I would never speak to her again and I am extremely close to my sister.

Throw him the slammer!

Can confirm, white boomer faculty are often just as bad as what’s described here. Petty, small, unwilling to look at things in new ways or believe that young or POC faculty have anything to contribute.” I can also confirm that boomer faculty had to deal with the same issues with older faculty when they started off

Newsflash! Madonna is a terrible actress.