I see this move to hire women more like pedophiles who decide to choose a profession which allows him more access to children.
I see this move to hire women more like pedophiles who decide to choose a profession which allows him more access to children.
I could have written your article - not as well but I agree with every one of your points. I have been wearing these sandals almost exclusively for 15 years during the summer. They are plain, not ugly nor are they good looking really. They are sandal that basically work with almost everything except evening wear. They…
I have never watched it either. Not interested.
I saw Iggy Pop try to get into the pants of a 16 year old girl when we was pretty old in the 1980s. I think this is pretty common with rock musicians.
It is true younger people it appear to favor less formal - costume jewelry. I am a vintage dealer who goes to thrift stores all the time and all that costume jewelry that is currently produced and sold is basically worthless and ends up in the landfill. Once it goes out a fashion few people want to wear it again. You…
Pick your battles.
This assumption may be a bit out of line but I doubt her friends are low on cash. My guess is they are very posh and can afford much more luxurious leisure activities than the average HBO user.
Yes. That line of questioning was priceless and extremely enjoyable to listen to at my desk. I was cheering as she was pounding into the ground. Barr is such a mega ASSHAT!
I see what you mean and I agree with you.
I think you can hold both ideas (accepting legitimate criticism and also believing it is only a TV show) in your head at the same time. I do. I found the episode once it was over very disappointing but I also thought it was exciting TV and that is enough.
A thousand times yes. Also I see this on the bus - old dudes cornering young women and talking and talking while these women wait for them to shut up. Why do these men need a capture female audience?????
This may not be the most confounding thing I have ever witnessed at a concert but it is a general plea from someone who goes to concerts to hear live music - if you plan to talk through out or through most of a concert with your friends DO NOT GO TO THE CONCERT. Talking is rude to your fellow concert goers and…
Great book! The film doesn’t need to be remade.
I was 12 (wearing a skirt) when an old dude on a public bus in Rome tried to slip his had between my legs. Yeah. Stuff like that happens frequently in public.
Sounds self indulgent. I will pass.
As an out of touch old person - I am puzzled by so much of influencer culture. It appears to me that the most popular instagram poses and facial expressions for women make women look vacuous and trivial. Is this twee culture —- what am I missing????
Small Question about this idea... Do you think the Kardashains will promote Monistat or the Bodysuit? Or both? If they promote both, they remind me how the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma executives discussed expanding into the addiction treatment market as well as keeping their pharmaceutical empire intact. This is…
I hope Newsome is coming back her character is wonderful and so is her performance.