
The problem with Trump is that I can imagine he could eventually be Pol Pot........... His personality is that unhinged.


Isabell Huppert has the biggest head on earth!

One of my biggest bullies in high school came out as gay in his early 20s. He was extremely handsome, very popular and outrageously cruel to me. I have never been able to reconcile my feelings about this situation. I still resent him.

Come now. Please stop blaming all US citizens equally for the Trump crisis. I live here and I know who to blame. However, if you haven’t lived in the US for an extended period of time (remember we have a population of 330,000,000 million), how can you know how much people have struggled over the years to work against


Yeah. There are loads of skinny people who bake very fattening desserts yet do not eat the products of their baking but often “force” their desserts on others. In my case, I don’t need to be forced because I am a sugar addict and have almost no control over my compulsive eating. I have over the years found there is at

I wish I could say I never felt that same kind of hate in my heart before the Trumps, but I was raised by someone who has a personality somewhat close to Donald Trump’s (albeit not as nearly as bad but still bad enough). That said - I am not prone to actual violence -however my thoughts do get carried away from me,

I thought that before I even read your post........

Most of those showstoppers are not American pies.

So are you telling me the historical accents of Scotland and England are the same of as today’s Scottish and English accents.......? And if Mary’s mother was French how would that change the way she spoke?

Sounds like Oliver Stone.

Truly a great film. My husband and I watch it every year. We can because this is a house of learned doctors!

I have known about her bi-sexuality since the mid 1980s. I heard it from a friend who worked with her then when she was still modeling.

I am relieved that I finally found my people. I LOATH FIREWORKS AND HATE THE FOURTH.

I laughed through the entire movie. Very funny!

I love your comment. I try to communicate this sentiment about the power elite in the DNC but take too many words to say the same thing. The way you put this idea across adds so much power to this important message.

In an alternative universe where I wasn’t an overly cautious introvertdc librarian - I would take out a home equity loan to buy one of these rings.

Abba’s Great Hits was the first album I ever purchased in 1976. Strangely enough - Never Mind the Bollocks by the Sex Pistols was the second in 1977

I love cookies. Thanks