
Im a diehard ios fan. Iphone through and through, and even i agree. I have an android phone with cm10 just for kicks as a rarely used travel phone, and the in-call screen for example is exactly an android ripoff. which i guess was a bit of a copy of the original iphone call screen now that i think about it. But still,

"Remember multitasking, the thing that Apple's never really done well? Apple's done it fantastically in this update. Basically, all of your apps can now use multitasking and are just a double tap of the Home button away"

I think all the battery sorcery comes from haswell. Hasnt intel been singing praises of how it will increase battery life tremendously.

Ive been using instashare. Ios/mac onky but nice and simple for my own needs.

current xbox 360 owner as a fan of the halo franchise. 4 was horrible. not a huge gamer never buy used games but certainly will go with a ps4 if/when i feel like theres a specific game i like and want to play.

just read on engadget i4 and up and ipad 2 and up. the 92% is mind-blowing. I'm pretty sure its not fake, but maybe apple stretched the truth a bit? just consider the amount of ipod touches prior to gen 4 that are stuck on ios 5. thats a whole lotta devices.

the all important question: whcih devices are getting ios 7?

just read a giz article saying airdrop only for iphone 5, ipad 4, and a few other current year devices.

""Reading List" that lets you scroll through subscribed and saved articles."

didn't they learnt anything from sony last go round? I think one of the major reasons MS caught up to sony in the 360 vs ps3 battle was the 499/599 ps3 pricepoint vs the 299/399 xbox 360 price. I got the xbox for Halo, but if the price was reversed, i'm pretty sure i either would have gotten the ps3 or no console at

This is the first time i'm being stung by the dreaded apple feature drop by crippling older devices despite capable hardware.

This is kickass, mainly because its free. But two question:

yeah i agree with you...i think it does come down to bitch and moan but still give the company your money. Which is why companies feel they can get away with anything with the right kind of advertising and marketing and PR. I do think this though would have been a great chance for MS to really take the lead from sony

yep i'm sure there are people to whom none of these things are issues. Then there are those to whom there are only one or two of these that are problems. some will give in and say these issues don't matter. Others will hold their ground.

I know we like to lump non-hardcore tech crowd users as the average consumer that doesn't know much and takes the "oohhh shiny" approach. But i think this is rapidly changing if not already. Anybody in the 15-45 generation average consumer category seems a lot more informed now about what they buy and the specs that

In this case I think the "hard-core fanboys" might just be kids who don't have to worry so much about their money since its their parents doing the buying. And some stubborn people outside that demographic. I'm not a serious gamer, and i've never ever sold any of my games to a used store. And i'm very tech-savvy. Yet

MS just got too cocky, being one of two major "serious-gamer" consoles on the market right now. it figures hey consumers are locked in, whats the worse that could happen. and they wouldn't be wrong from looking at recent trends of consumer myopia.

i guess the fundamental question is "how is he breathing in space". i don't know. because if i asked those types of questions i'd stop enjoying movies altogether. i'd say suspension of disbelief, but you're too smart not to know that.

thats just as reasonable a question for the superman movie as "uhhh how can a person fly" and no the red sun of krypton vs the yellow sun of earth is not a reasonable answer since you're talking physics and vacuums of space n shit.

wow i thought this was building up to something great. i read the whole thing cos i agree, i love them agsafe adapter...its the unsung hero. its one of the small but major reasons i'll keep buying macbooks.