
whats the name of this new theme being used in superman? i don't mean the superman theme, but the music playing in this trailer which is a slight variation on the theme in the previous trailer? i like the previous trailer theme...anybody got a name for the track?

Yep he shut down quantanamo, repealed the patriot act and didnt make it any worse than it already was, stopped drone strikes, invaded no more countries, improved foreign relations, didnt increase troops fighting wars abroad, etc etc etc. ALL the things he said he would do because they made nice little soundbites.

Yep that. Plus really all the presidents office is now is the person you see shaking hands and making speeches on tv. America operates on a very very long time frame, and really no 4-8 year president is going to ever be allowed to derail that long term plan.

Blogging/reading a blog, and a service like google reader are inherently different. Yes i might miss some news out there by making giz my go to site, but the reason i come here is because over time ive tealized that what the theme of this blog is, or what the writer are blogging, appeal to me. I trust their judgment

i hate to take a tech blog conversation political, but unfortunately it has to happen with an article like this.

why you gotta go fuck with somebodies livelihood. some poor chap was too submit button happy. why do you have to highlight this mistake? if you reeallllyyyyyy must post, it would suffice to talk about the update "oh yeah theres a new version...but post has been taken down...hopefully we see it soon. huzzah".

if the one is 600, shouldnt the mini be 350-450 $ max?

If this was me 8-9 years ago, id be jumping on this. My first laptop was a sony fs550. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. chose it over a butt ugly toshiba.

yep not talking CE anniversary. talking the original Halo: CE from xbox 1. The gameplay of CE is very very different than 2, 3 and 4. i.e. the player physics.

I have an xbox 360...wait...2 xbox 360's ... just so i can play halo 1 (yes, the original CE). I'm not a gamer but like the idea of having a console around for casual gaming. Bought the 360 to play halo CE 4 player multiplayer, turns out it sucks on the 360, even though its awesome on the xbox original. and halo 2 and

how is this "as it turns out" worthy? is it a scientific breakthrough? or just something you weren't aware of?

true that. i have lots of ipohne 4s's and ipad 2's in the household. i just hope they get the upgrades.

you're right..similar...but not exactly. the connector lasted for 10 years approximately. in that time technology changes and its expected that new advances will be implemented. like going from serial connectors to usb. 10 yrs is a reasonable time.

didnt the 4th gen ipod touch share its guts with the 4/4s? I thought the 5th gen were similar to iphone 5, and 4th gen were 4/4s equivalent. but yeah i'm speaking from memory you could very well be right. I doubt though that apple would cut off a product that was only just a few weeks/months ago sold at their stores.

horrible theory. not working on 4th gen ipod touch would also mean that it wouldnt work on the 4s or 4. noway apple is alienating such a huge user base. i suspect that not only with ios 7 work on 4s and 4, but we might see a somewaht cripplied ios 7 for the 3gs which updates the look/style but none of the more

I am in a country without netflix, and thus had to resort to pirating it.

Does anybody else see the resemblance between the writer of this article and the jonny ive?? I think he wrote this himself! what CAN'T this genius man do!!!

I think thats software design, not the graphics. Theres a jailbreak app i used to have, not sure what it was called but it basically was able to render iphone apps a lot better on iPad. so instead of just becoming pixelated and jaggy, it actually did a very nice job of expanding the app without ANY pixelation. worked

i take exception to that whole "planned obsolecense" bit. and this from someone whose a serial upgrader.

so theres two aspects to this ios 7 changes debate. Some are functional, and others are aesthetic the way I see it. and this is just as someone whose a non designer nor programmer.