The hulk, but every time he says “Smash” it plays All Star by Smash Mouth
The hulk, but every time he says “Smash” it plays All Star by Smash Mouth
Yeah I hated this movie cause the setup was so dumb, it overwhelmed my ability to suspend disbelief. I turned to my wife at the and and said “AHHH BULLETS MY ONLY WEAKNESS.”
Also you know what is really noisy? Landmines.
Once we’ve started rounding up screaming children, calling their whole race vermin and criminals trying to infest our country, and putting them in camps, we’ve moved beyond “different beliefs on how the country should be run.”
Look ITS THE DEMOCRATS LAW that forces Stephen Miller and Donald Trump to eat live screaming human infants ripped from their mothers arms while the parents look on in horror. They don’t want to do it, but it is the job of the executive to enforce the laws! Except obamacare.
Isn’t there a rando strip club scene?
But we also know that everything meave did in s1 was scripted for her. Just because she denied it didn’t make it not so. Maeve may not be free at all, just continuing to coast on her revised narrative that allows for the existence of the park control zone.
Do you feel this issue is significantly different from the way native americans were portrayed and murdered in season 1?
I’m actually surprised this is the only pathfinder monster on the list. Throwing D&D monsters into a blender is kind of the pathfinder trademark.
Isn’t this argument also thought to be influenced by the “default” race in the society viewing the art? Like if you draw a faceless stick figure in america, american viewers will assume it is a caucasian male unless you add race or gender signifiers. But in Japan, I have to think that people would assume a character…
And also Life was a stupid movie with a predictable lame twist. Switch the mist and Life pls.
Oh and I liked both movies, I just hate the apparent incompetence of whatever you call a showrunner on the franchise level, that let two widly incompatible visions of the story arc become cannon, and who let JJ set up a bunch of mysteries with no apparent plan for what the resolutions would be.
JJ sets up a bunch of mysteries he doesn’t know the answers too. Rian obviates all those mysteries. JJ returns and spends 3/4 of the movie explaining recently made up solutions to mysteries that no longer matter. Genius!
Hydra was using magic AI predictive algorithms to eliminate people who might be problems in the future, not punish past behavior. Zola effectively was _predicting_ Strange’s rise to power, not attempting to remove the current Sorcerer Supreme.
The humor here is like...a solid Family Circle level.
Hoooooowwwww did it get back inside VIA THE ROCKETS. In what situation would you build your space station such that the hyrdazine storage tanks opened to the innards of the space station?
Life is the movie for people who saw Alien and wished it had way less tension and way more tentacle penetration.
I know right? The examples used by the article are Siouxie Soiux and David Bowie for gods sake. Dang Millenials and their Dang 70's androgynous rock icons!
I assume the gold people from Guardians 2 have the soul stone, given the high preistess was creating Adam Warlock.
Its the 20teens, all serial dramas need some hawt incest to be taken seriously these days. All we got in the actual show was Ash trying to work out a “mother-daughter sandwich,” which frankly is not good enough in today’s television environment.