
The scrapped Doom 4 looks fresher?! The fuck you smoking Kotaku?!?!

Are you seriously putting Doom 4 under the likes of exclusive DLC and bad pricing? Come on, it was atleast neutral, if nothing else. Honestly, we should be glad it looks MORE LIKE DOOM now, and not some random post apocalyptic.. Thing. No. This is DOOM. Not Day-Z X Call of Duty.

Disagree about Doom. The guy playing it was playing slow intentionally. The second set of gameplay footage is pretty damn fast!

Generic-ass title in any case.

I think you’re being a wee bit hard on Doom. At least it feels more like Doom than Doom 3 did. Definitely slow but it touched the nostalgia buttons more for me.

Agree on everything else though. They’ve even given up on Playstation TV already.

I thought Doom looked amazing...

Looks like Doom. Its funny because all the people here “unimpressed” with something they say looks like everything else when it is rooted in games that are built off it’s legacy. It looks like a shooty gory good time. About what I want from doom. Im down and the editor looks sick.

I loved it! Definitely feels more like Doom than Doom 3 did. More action shooter. Less survival horror. Though one thing the original had that I didn’t see here was some of the OH SHIT RUN AWAY moments.

Is...is that in-engine? I mean, in-engine on a beefed up PC, no doubt, but still...at the very least, this is gonna be a really pretty game.

i might need help on this one but could people start analyzing the second gameplay demo (the one in hell) during the fight on the blood pit? because i am sure at one point the player accidentally killed an invisible demon and i’m kinda convinced once the dead body showed up, the back of it looked like a pinky from the

I know it’s only the first conference, but holy shit the rest have a lot to live up to. I’m still only moderately excited for Fallout, but Doom looks amazing. That map maker, those guns, that gore...

looks pretty fuckin cool to me. Was it perfect? no, but let’s face it, the orginal DOOM was THE perfect FPS.

I wonder how many of those criticizing played the original Doom on their first generation Pentiums having just stepped up from their creaky 486’s...

What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”

I don’t even like Doom, but this looks great!

Looking good to me. I like how the darker areas aren’t so dark as to not being able to see anything like in Doom 3. And the veriticality is a nice change of pace for this series. The gruesome ways of dismembering and meleeing demons is great too. And they even have a Halo style Forge mode. It’s looking a lot more

If they wanted to deliberately leak it, an open mic spoiling it 24 hours before the announcement is a weird way to go.

Oh hey, look. It’s MegaByte’s lair.

If I see a spider large enough that it requires an Xbox One to kill, I am nuking the house from sapce.

I certainly wouldn’t have to worry about the kids getting to it.