
You might not observe ants, but there’s plenty of people that do, along with every other species on this planet. Why do you think we’re digging around in the dirt on other planets? If there’s unknown life (on Earth or elsewhere), we want to understand more about it.

Why would they not be interested in us? If we found out Mars had cavemen we’d be there in a second.

OK then. What is it?

I saw the new Transit Connect and I wanted one immediately. Planning on waiting for kid #2 then pulling the trigger.


Yeah, quit Instagram.

Most would probably disagree, but I think this thing oozes style. The dashboard was awesome too.

He’s probably going to reprise his role as Bilbo.

8. Ben Affleck?

My sister does this part-time. She’s a horrible person though. I just came here to say that.

Look at his linked in title.

He’s a character artist, not concept.

I hate the Bay Transformer designs. They’re so spikey and you can’t tell them apart.

Right after he finishes getting another tattoo.

Very weird, yes. But I thought it was awesome.

I got inspired by master chief so I started working out and shooting aliens.

Anyone else amazed there’s already been 7? I don’t even remember 4 coming out. I vaguely remember 5, because I think that’s when the Rock came in. And I don’t remember 6 happening at all. I’ve only seen 1 and 2. I guess I’m just really good at blocking these out of my memory.

Or the media company that made the trailer.

I know they’ve barely showed anything, but for some reason I’m getting a more serious Blood Dragon vibe... Which might actually be kinda cool.

Couldn’t agree more. The Chevy logo screams 80s to me. Keep it on the trucks, put a new sexy one on everything else.