
I think I've seen a Del Toro movie with these things.

How else are they supposed to get that black soot off of everything? (I hate LA)

Yeah, it was quite different. Didn't have the same vibe at all, and the main character is a young woman I found really annoying. The ending was kinda neat, but it felt forced.

TP was released on wii and GameCube. That's probably not what they're aiming for.

Well, with an explanation like that I can't be too upset.

As someone who used to own a big jeep in south Carolina... We don't have vehicle inspections. That's how they got the plates.

If it's anything like a caster board, you just kinda stop "wiggling" and figure 8 a couple times till you run out of momentum.

Why is this going viral? It's an unoriginal prank that has nothing to do with Ellen or Matt. Who cares.


We're not having a better day than anyone else... We're just fake as shit.

An interesting approach, that he would excuse it on a shitty habit he voluntarily started, rather than blame it on genetics that are completely out of his control...

I had one until 2013, lol.

I'm not sure if it was actually a smart phone or not, but my first phone was a Nokia N-Gage. Lol.

This guy's video are great. Subscribed a couple months ago. He's still up and coming so if you enjoyed you should support him!

So no live action, but any word on what it will be? Same art style? Hopefully not CG.

Right, skinny and defined. When you've got no fat on your body it's really easy to see the muscle underneath. He looks about 140lbs there... Which is not "ripped."

I would argue he's always been skinny/defined, but ripped is pushing it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Power Rangers is the only show from my childhood I would welcome Michael Bay to ruin.

I'm hungry now.