agent of chaos

Build a wall around Anthony Weiner’s penis! I am sure even Mexico would be happy to chip in for that.

None of this is nearly as cute or quirky or funny as you think.

As repulsive and horrifying as that is, I’m kind of enjoying the fact that he might be a part of freshman orientation.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Nomadikat has an older sister?

Please please please please let this be Sqarr’s flameout. This prick deserves to slink away with his tail between his legs. He is the white-guiltiest, mansplainiest piece of shit I’ve ever seeeeeeen. On top of everything else that’s wrong with him, he’s appointed himself our Protector (he keeps the “trolls” from

I love how this dude keeps yammering on and on about how authentic to the real fashion industry his film is, and then he sets it in Los Angeles.

My sister gave herself bangs while on Ambien.

you are consistently the dumbest person trying to appear “woke” in the comments.

Now playing

Here’s Rami Malek interpreting Prince’s “Kiss” as a Phone Sex Operator, to tide you over.

Something stuck out a me when I read the letter Vanessa Paradis wrote “This looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 years” it's not exactly a denial that it could happen

I know that this is a v. serious matter but honestly my first thought at those pictures were “she’s doing a weekend at bernie’s thing with him!” and then I couldn’t unsee it

She did a beautiful job but can I just say something smells fishy—not that her talent isn't real but I think she was planted or something? I googled her and she was also on Romanias got talent and the editing for her audition was like exactly the same like people in the audience gasping and wiping away tears? A lady