
Common, Common, Common, Common, Common chameleon
You come and go, you come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams
Red, gold, and Green Lantern, red, gold, and Green Lantern

Possibly involving time travel.

NPR shut down its comment sections months ago. Things got pretty nasty and NPR didn't want that venom on their website.

[tucks in shirt, wipes drool from face]

So instead of a extra season of The Shield, we get this? I still want to see Vic Mackey run around the streets exacting his justice following his confession.

I'm in the emergency response service (volunteer firefighter) and your supervisor sounds completely unprofessional and detrimental to your department. Emergency responses can be emotionally and physically trying, not having support from above makes everything worse. We derisively call people like your supervisor

Don't get me started - at least the courts are pushing back on Republican gerrymandering.
Gjetostbusty is currently a public school teacher here in WI, which is getting harder by the day given the anti-teacher climate in this state.

Wisconsinite, here. I voted for her, but not visiting the state since April 2016 certainly didn't help.

"Hope clouds observation."
- Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam

Which a lot of people really enjoyed, I did not. I liked the Lynch version.

Seeing as how I never learn my lesson, I'm excited about this.

Well done, commenter.

Don't forget they had Luke on a spit.

Lisa: I'll stop buying Malibu Stacey clothing.
Bart: And I'll take up smoking and give that up.
Homer: Good for you, son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest
things you'll ever have to do. Have a dollar.
[gives a dollar bill to Bart]
Lisa: But he didn't do anything!
Homer: Didn't he, Lisa? Didn't he?

Our troop doesn't use uniforms. I live in a rural and relatively poor part of the world and our troop decided that we'd rather learn stuff than wear uniforms.

Both of my boys are in Cub Scouts and in my experience, it all depends on local leadership. Our troop meets at a local Rod and Gun club and is completely devoid of any religion. I wouldn't attend if it were religious.

Except Joe the plumber, of course.

I don't care for him as president, but I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

Per Dr. Rumak, this type of comment needs to end with ", but that's not important right now."

Sooouvenirrrs, novelties, paaarty tricks.