
well You told me to go fuck myself so that is something I guess : )

Is it not fair to have one person saying since it is available learn to do if for no other reason than because "know Your enemy"

PUNT lets go to yelp and REND THIS FUCKING PLACE !

My God is this from "Bully" holy shit

I cannot even read this - but gimme a weblink I want to sick the twitter army on them via yelp reviews... fuckers : (

right how do they find out and how should we create a system that will result from the accepted fact (if we legislated a similar rule) people do this naked photo thing - I mean I do - FOR A WHILE - lol - and yes I deleted all the shit my first wife and I did together - and have never sold any of my personal stuff

You know - not to be a downer here - but to advocate for this in the Unistat (USA) is to open up - because unfortunately ...merica' - a can of worms ADVOCATING some kind of total surveillance - and or - record keeping mandated by the government of all photo video data files taken on say phones and tablets and computer

* May I suggest as a random stranger I get it - but - can I just say to me - it appears YOU have reached the point where You should see undeniably - regardless of the powerlessness You feel about the situation - that - the first "new" step for You (my humble suggestion seen it work) is to

I did not ever realize Herff-Jones offered this option to conservative school systems !

"absolutely nothing about "REAL ______" - or any other word group of words meant to mean "a Truth" exists - in the present future past of all thoughts things and perceptions - One cannot even "have an 'Experience' " - because ultimately (feel free to disagree and prove my point here) "YOU ARE THE EXPERIENCE _ AND

Bro - feel the pain (not personally) but have You investigated alternative and more open minded dating sites?

look "younger man to be one day,"

Here is a thing, if those idiots wanted to really be self deprecating about the so called income factor,because really why not just make the anti-idolizing spectacularly unavailable right?

oh god that was fucking hilarious - now I am going to be watching those things on youtube ALL DAY today - thanks You fucker ! : )

Nope but it is reasonable to believe this body of mine has a good amount of genetic background noise from the region. . . I just do not know as its some kind of secret on biodad's side above his mother who will never disclose if or what she happens to know about where she or her husband's parents and so on came from -

I do not wear heels but as a mechanical body doctor who recently has been working with barefoot running - like a lot - which requires forefoot landing and toeing off amounting to paddling the floor versus a conscious hard rolling landing plus pushing again only to repeat as traditional running exists -i.e. heel toe

What You do here with an article like this is HELPING and it is IMPORTANT

they must have at least a hitler mustache or landing strip - pudendal cleft allowed - lol - I think its a rule based on a similar thing as to why Japanimation always has hairless girls - but the opposite - meaning to have any hair means adult and sexual - versus atlanta and other regions (Micanopy FL had the same

They appear to have it as a rule in the entire metro area - I had a girlfriend who worked at Mardi Gras which is the other side of town (highlands) and She said that she had to maintain "at least the hitler mustache" or else She could not work... and no other clubs are allowed to open in atlanta at all now - check out