
It is not to supercede the law of the land but to make determinations on a case by case basis (not just sexual assault crimes happen to college students) and as such the kangaroo court that these reviews become during sexual assault situations where 1. victim was unable to secure enough proof for authorities to file

Usually the only inspection of Women Strippers is limited to tattoos below the allowed limit (or must have none) and if a strange more backward area (like BuckHead in Atlanta) also must demonstrate having pubic hair for fully nude dancing - not allowed to wear the full shaved look around there. . . just fyi - and I

Remember that frequent and sloppy plugging and unplugging ruins the port and that shit costs $90 for my iPhone at UbreakIfix . . .so also

I heard that one more often to be honest - but every so often I recall hearing from people of my extended family that do overseas missionary work pretty much full time - that keeping it that way (as You describe) for them it meant using a fear of not ever doing enough and would foster a lot of guilt and despair during

pretty sure he meant to compare the behavior to how we at GT i.e. "Groupthink" can often appear as zealots piling on when presumed bad behavior is detected in a comment thread - just my $0.02 I have no negative comment on Your posts - just thought to point out what the other guy meant - and btw my brother invented

*thought to check if my browser somehow got redirected to an X-Art site for a moment ! wtf was that !

*where are all the sovereign world citizens who know this reptilian shape shifting alien called "Snowed-in" to be a disinformation agent of the Illuminati (faction 2 btw) performing tradecraft at a superb level - "false flaaaaaag" and etcetera - ?


I think the ones I have heard say a thing like this - and particularly for the case written about here - it is a subtle elitist racist thing they say about for example "indians in the amazon jungle" when someone asks what happens to people who have not heard the Word - does that make sense - basically saying the

*getting my TinFoilHat ready !

that Siri Bitch never EVER understands my voice and refuses to tell me ANYTHING ever !

this so much !


*...not all evangelical christians... agree that "the Chinese are Saved..."

Now playing

*these are available refurbished from the company here but really the lower end units available at BJ's or Costco are fine, and if You can find one on ebay or elsewhere - those used ones are more than likely perfect - most people who buy them never use them past the first week - just like high end juicers that are

"not all Bears..."

HAHAHAHHAHAAA - mainly meant to say *this at Your final paragraph.

*thank YOU so much !!!

*an evangelical in tennessee is licking lips at how many t-shirts with phrases like "........" he is going to sell to all his flock's children now. .
