
No audience is bigger than 170k, not like that many people are actively involved and even if there was some magic that caused 10% to buy it for switch that’s only 17k in sales. This is how you know you’re so wrapped up in your bubble you always think its about you. You’re logic is  broken, no one is going through this

I bet your fat ass that should be reminded you need to lose weight every meal. Do some exercise lardo!

Fat people need to lose weight but mentioning it every time you bring up anything remotely relevant is just annoying as hell. The horse is beaten and dead move on.

Only one in denial is you for thinking its collectively 80 million people making these choices.

Fuck you, it didn’t start with Trump. Just a lazy excuse by greedy ignorant fucks like you. You will always be closer to being broke than being ultra-rich, which is who “conservative” fiscal policies benefit. Yet you support your infantile fantasy you will be rich if you support assholes. You’re a shit human, just

republikkan voters. They are all shit, even you.

Another ignorant article. The person who has to make those screeners has to add the watermark its standard policy. Its not like Feige is burning the watermark in before he hands to her personally. The department that makes those screeners doesn’t care who gets it. You know you suck when you write crap like this.

China is an enemy state, California (where meta is located) is not. 

I don’t even know if I want a remaster, endlessly grinding for 27.2% because I want an extra .9%.

Getting upset just because a release date is missed, and sending vitrol out in the world over it is fucking stupid. FUCK every sissy complaining gamer, they are shit. /sarcasm

So fucking what? Doesn’t change what or why Nintendo did what they did today.

Sociopath, you wish physical harm because someone said something you didn’t like, and then later you try and turn it into a brag that you can get laid over someone else? Get some therapy and stay out of society.

Oh please, timing is everything. 60% of the questions are pretty basic that every contestant and anyone with a liberal arts degree will know off the top of their head. Play some video games you may see how timing effects things.

Elden Ring with bugs is better than most games. But thanks random guy on the internet giving advice.

I’ll buy two if I can make myself sound like Darth Vader.

Fuck you, your solution is to steal? Hope you chock on a cock, asshole.

Official reveal trailer for Elden Ring was 6/9/2019. Why post nonsense to someone?

Called Nostalgia and it is very powerful at separating fools like me and their money. I’ll probably play about 20-25 hours of these games over the next year unless OgreBattle 64 makes it in while paying $200 for controllers and the extra $30 a year. Oh well.

Your bullshit rage is so freaking fake. He made jokes, go fuck yourself.

I’ve read all the comments, no one is furious. You probably gaslight everyone in your life.