
Clearly I understand your ignorant of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Whats to fully understand here?

lol oh here we go. With zero facts tell me I have no idea what I am talking about and then assume more stuff, like I am “right-wing”. Again you fail on the battlefield of intellectual debate so you have to attempt to insult me and throw assumptions around to try and make your point. Next. Go ahead. Tell me the middle

I cited just that I am not hiding behind it. Your confusing Jews and Christians. Not sure how much easier I can make it for you. 10 whole seconds of googling would help you to understand.

Here is some education for you. The crusades were fought to stop the invading Islamists that were taking over Christian cities in the middle east. Here is a new flash for you. The middle east was Christian before it ever was Islamic. And who is condoning murdering people at abortion clinics? You going to keep using

Let me know once you’ve got a basic understanding of Christianity. If you would like to take argue the Old testament, take it up with the Jews.

No it doesn’t. How many strawman are you going to use? The New Testament is what Christians are supposed to follow. But lets not let facts get in the way again. It stops you from using the typical “brown people” argument......

Yawn. Not sure where in your little excerpt it shows they were fighting a holy war..... but yea when you cant argue with facts, use the ol bigotry blah blah blah argument.

Yeah cept Christ was brought up, so were dealing with Christians, not Jews.....

Thousands. Go and get me 5..... Ill wait. Meanwhile Roof was a racist and his motives had nothing to do with Christianity.

Wow. I havent seen such tripe since I watched MSNBC 10 years ago. Only several thousand ISIS members.... get the fuck outta here.

Cept that was a war being waged by the IRA against the British Gov. They werent fighting it for religious reasons. But go ahead, use shitty memes to hold up you argument.

Well no cause it didnt have anything to do with Christianity. It had everything to do with him being a racist. Christianity doesnt preach killing unbelievers...

Oh look, the nazi argument came out....

I wonder if that hag wears that on her head now?

Show me where Christ preached the killing of nonbelievers. Go ahead.

Noticing the liberals becoming more and more unhinged?

Big difference. Those that preach a false gospel of Christ do not make Christians. Go head and show me where Christ preached the killing of non believers..... I can give you several from the Koran....

Oh sweet. The score now stands:

Yeah you have no idea what you are talking about and just spouting hyperbole.....

No they wont. They’ll keep arguing the fact even while having their head cut off.