
lmfao a few thousand.....


Ding ding ding.

woh woh woh. What are you doing discussing facts on the shit blog that is owned by telemundo.

hmmmmm they usually and most frequently show up as Muslims.....

Holy shit are you unhinged..... Get some help dude.

Only the proper thing to do to a child molester.

But they can garnish your wages.....

No one gives a shit univision.

Probably does sound that way to person that cant comprehend what is written.

Guess we learned that one from slick willy....

Giant moron can’t even do basic research and just copies and pastes from the Washington compost....

Looks like you are struggling to comprehend what he said. Can’t help you.

Your dad is a hack and union crony, congrats.

Or you know, educated hard working people that can negotiate for themselves and can choose to walk from a job if a better one appears......

Let me know how the people with all those glorified union pensions are doing....

lol you’re a dipshit.

Im gonna come over to your house and just start cooking in your kitchen. No? You dont want me to? I guess I only have all the rights that the people that own the house let me have.....

No dipshit. The point of being an adult is realizing that you dont control the world, you arent entitled to what you want, and that private property means just that. Don’t like how a business treats it’s customers dont give them your business

Nailed it.