
SO many people angry for calling abortions what they are, murder.

Standing up for murdered babies is immature? What the fuck? You’re argument shows how fucking dumb you are.

What I thought, you’re a shitbag murder....

Cool? You lack any semblance of class, was that what you were trying to prove? Thought you were just a baby killer.

Not more important than the life of the child, dick.

Who stands up for the unborn child? Oh yeah, clump of cells /s

I dont give a fuck you have sex. I give a fuck you dont give a shit about what happens after sex. And how you “deal with it” Fuck off.

It disgusts me you have such a cavalier attitude towards murdering babies....

Then maybe keep your legs closed? Oh thats right, do whatever the fuck you want and Ill just murder my consequences....

The pro choice people that murder babies can die in a fire.

yeah fuck anyone not wanting shitty woman to murder babies....

wtf are you going on about?

Then keep your legs shut you baby murderer

Woh lets not bring up personal responsibility on the liberal haven website.....

Step 1: keep legs crossed