
I don't get all the hate. Apple is a company trying to make a profit. How is this new? Sure it is a bit unorthodox, but surely nothing that affects the user in most aspects except for maybe a small price hike. Developers have the choice not to develop, its capitalism baby.

@IceMetalPunk: Well, he can't "hear" so there isn't really much he can do about wrong answers. It seems as if you watched the NOVA and it mentioned how he learns from only correct errors. I don't really know how the creators could fix it as they really have no way of getting him incorrect answers in a matter of

That skin on the lead image looks really nice. Is that like TouchWiz 2 or something?

Targeting mindless teenagers...

I stopped reading after two paragraphs. We're talking second-generation of tablets here (although many companies' first, but I'm saying spec-wise) compared to a first-gen. Not exactly fair. I for one, am pretty damn positive that the iPad 2 will match these hardware specs but with a better resolution and battery. We

@spambin: O sir, I completely agree. I really do not like government spending. I completely abhor social welfare programs, but their mention was not really relevant to the topic. Ideally, the bulk of the government's money would go to private companies researching and applying medical concepts into our society such as

@JimmyBanks: Why not invest a fraction of the money in an up and coming biomedical research firm that has shown promising results in a field such as tissue regeneration or diabetes? These are much more pressing issues in our society AND with the money being nearly wasted by NASA, they can be greatly furthered if not

I hate to troll on an article like this, buuuuuut. I think all these NASA missions are great and all, but are they necessary? We are in an economic recession and the government decides to spend billions if not trillions of dollars on programs that really have no immediate benefit. This money could be going many other

@daPrinz: I loved what you said. It's completely 100% the way I feel about it. except this

Random TARDIS is random, but appreciated

@smertlagel: agreed. The only software edge that the iPhone has that's not opinion based is the developers. At this point developers tend to stick to iOS. iOS is much easier to use. That is the main qualm with the iPhone haters. I prefer Android. It is much more customizable as well as the open source system. But to

Simply put, :

What in the hell..

@KamWrex: But, we haven't exactly seen many worthwhile tablets either.

The Xoom atm is the iPad killer. If the iPad can't come out with some ridiculous specs than I'm probably going with the Xoom. Of course, I want to also see a full, finished Honeycomb before I purchase anything. But, at this moment, only the iOS loyal can be thinking about getting the iPad 2 over the Xoom if its specs

@Pasukun: For future reference, basically any reference to Android's superiority, even though it is, or iOS' is trolling. Dont get me wrong, I agree, but nothing can come from that but flames and more flames.

@bg-dez: I've thought of this as well. Verizon has been so loyal to the Droid line and now they take in the iPhone, its direct competition. Now, Verizon just cares about making money obviously, and they should be, but it will be interesting to see how their Android phones will be treated during this situation.