
With this, Verizon shall rule the smartphone world. Honestly, though, I don't think it would change a lot. Maybe all the current iPhone users will transfer over once their contracts are up, but the Droid Series is good enough if not better than the iPhone; plus WP7 too. Not trolling, just stating some opinions.

Such an inaccurate title. The Store itself as not been cracked, but the apps' protection (DRM?). The way the title makes it sound, it's like using iTunes for free. No, this is not the case at all. The real situation is that now someone can download an app, crack its installation protections, and publish it to a

@JstSqzd: I actually never considered that, but it is actually an accurate comparison. Damn... Now I feel bad about pirating photoshop and Final Cut even though I'm a poor student who would never actually buy the software anyways...

@Mr B Natural: Its going to be very pricey, I'd imagine. I wouldn't hold your breath on a sub-$600 device combo

@WingedGenius: Do you know what Lion is? It's pretty much the desktop version of iOS. I think it is kind of odd to actually use on an actual Mac, but it looks great as an OSX alternative for tablets. I could really see Apple releasing Lion onto tablets of some sort.

Daaaamn that looks good. I'm now torn between the first Honeycomb Tab to be released with decent specs and the iPad. Until just now I was going to pick up iPad 2, but no anymore. It should be interesting to see how Apple takes this. Will there be an iOS redesign? I doubt it...

A very, very sweet niche product. The avergae consumer would never think of buying something like this, nor does Asus believe they will. This product, should it actually make it to market, is for the graphic designers/multimedia focused individual. The battery life will undoubtably be shit compared to the iPad of

@kimchibrown: Give me a tablet with Lion on it and I'm sold. Assuming it has the processing power and battery life of course, but with Apple that's not really a doubt. If you don't know what Lion is, definitely check it out. Throw in some cloud-based functions and its an ideal Tablet OS imo.

@Mark Greig: early adopter man, be ready to pay the price. It's your fault.


@Error601: Yeah, but its what could have been. Hopefully they'll release it before my 30 day period is up.

Droid X for xmas... I'm crying a little

@HardwareWars: Curiously, how do they catch pirates and on what grounds do they press charges.

+1 for "Biased Journalism"

Gift Cards really depend on the relationship you have with people as well as personal customs.

These things are actually pretty cool. It's just hard to justify spending that much money on something with such little purpose.