
The problem with hipsters is that most people have no fucking clue what one is. The website "Look at this Fucking Hipster" [] really sets a derogatory tone for hipsters. It's not really the case.

But by the time these are released, with the exception of the Galaxy, iPad 2 should be out. I bet it will just as hyped as the OG iPad and hopefully contain an SD slot. I'd love to see some other Android tabs come out but at this point, I'm very underwhelmed. Hopefully Xmas 2010 will be a good one

The future... I can hardly wait

I fall into the teenagers with over 3,000 texts a month... I hate being a statistic...

@Relyt: As with Ohio. There's many cities or counties that disallow it, but not yet a state regulation.

As sad as this is, and I truly am sorry for his family's loss, but I feel little compassion for the kid. Doing shit like that is so stupid. Weed is a perfectly good high, why risk killing yourself with choking out. (Yes I know its more intense to do the latter).

@Gasaraki-: No, but people will find it offensive. There's no reason, other then blatantly trying to offend, that they would name a character "Chris T."

The developers are just trolling Apple here. Obviously by making Jesus, or "Chris T." into a commando with a gun and gore filled volence, they're looking for a reaction from Apple. It is so wholeheartedly blatant on their part. Why not just change it to any other guy and it'll be fine.

@blyan-reloaded: Dead on. Halo and Live are the only things the 360 has over the PS3 and you must pay for Live. The PS3 has soo many more features anyways.

Whenever I hear of motion gaming, I think of full fledged 1:1 spatial recognition virtual reality games with some halfway decent AI. I realize this is impossible for this decade, but I honestly think that in a few years, if not sooner with Move, that the 1:1 recognition for actions could be achieved with good enough

I recently bought a MacBook a few weeks ago. It was my first laptop purchase in a long time, so I think it is a little funny. Desktops will slowly be phased out in casual use, leaving only workstations for professional and gaming use. Laptops will become the computers everyone has, as well as their

@cec: They take my star for a grammar mistake and give it to a troll...

@707kevin: I'm the exact same way. I really want to upgrade this holiday season, but Verizon's dumbphones haven't been updated in a while. I don't want the env3 as two members of my family already do and the alias 2 is pretty unappealing. Verizon hopefully will put out the ultimate texting phone for Xmas this year. :p

The iPad is an awesome device, but I'm astonished to see these numbers. It shows people just don't really care about practicality. Perhaps it's also a sign of the economy picking up?

@Jack Sampson: I'd love to have that much time lol. Besides if I really wanted one, I'd probably make the effort, but I really could care less at this point.

As an upper middle class high school student, I don't have the liberty of having a smartphone. It doesn't bother me though, as I;m a big texter and thats it. If I really need to use the internet, I've got friends that have some nice phones, but that is pretty uncommon.

US's Judiciary system is a joke...

Verizon does well enough with the Droid line and I bet they just don't want to be pushing two competing OSs at one time. It makes sense I guess, as most Verizon loyalists who would have considered a WP7 will not get one of their Android phones. Not really a loss for them except for the few who will jump ship to