
Why can't someone big, like Apple or Google, just do a Spotify/Rhapsody like deal. Much better then just music you own. If the world is going to the cloud, it starts with music.

@Guard: I use Grooveshark too for my iPod and I love it. But its not entirely legal is it?

As said before, this look really really nice, but it is so damn useless. Checking for weather updates shouldn't be a movie.

@crazypills77: Believe me, when iPad 2 comes out this holiday season, I'm alll there. That and a DSLR.... Better go ask grandma...

@GizmoTron9000VowsToEarnBackHis...: Got this for Xmas when I was in 3rd grade I believe. O how tech has changed...

@anoteoftruth: I really do like that better. The new one is sweet, but its just so different then a nano. Perhaps it could've been called a Shuffle Touch? And new old nano kept on with some hardware and maybe software upgrades.

As a teenager in highschool, I see everyone with an iTouch. Everyone knows what it is. There's like two kids out of the 1000 or so who have a Zune HD. Nobody at all knows what it is.

@gebinsk: They give trolls stars now??

@alex-y: Life savings in Apple

Really cool article. This is the kind of stuff I like from Giz.

@Schm1tty: We just had this discussion in Latin class today. It's ironic isn't it?

Why did Giz have to bring this guy here... I'm so sick of this idiot. Socially Conservative people are morons (Different than Politically Conservative). He is either sooo socially unaware, by the mustache I can see it, or trying to get his name in the press. I think a mixture of both.

Is Game Center worth losing my 3.1.3 jailbreak? I have no need for anything else on 4.0 though..

Not exactly a fan of it, but I guess I don't care as I can disable it.


You mean like this?

I still do NOT like the Nano. I loved the last gen ones and I think its just ruined now.

Can't these be hacked off by rooting? Really don't see it as tooo much of a problem as to not get the phone, but still...

@catsmeatpotterpirbright: Gotta agree there. It's something that 4.o should've addressed. Plus Android's UI is way cooler imo with the widgets. Its not just an icon grid.