Can this very annoying Charlyene Yi woman maybe do something to advance her career besides bitch about James Franco?
Can this very annoying Charlyene Yi woman maybe do something to advance her career besides bitch about James Franco?
The pendulum of society swings slowly, but when you’ve pulled it back as far as the progressives have, they’re going to be really upset when it swings back and knocks all their teeth out.
“Guys, crazy idea. If we just call ourselves anti-racists, nobody will notice all the racist shit we do!”
If you’re demanding that books stop being published solely due to depicting African people in African garb and Asian people working in rice paddies, you might be a bit too fucking retarded to function in society.
Idk about you but I’m pretty sure the Root decided that the math on 2+2=4 was some kind of white supremacy. Not like Arabs, Greeks, and Italians led the world in mathematics and medicine for centuries or some shit, no sir, never happened.
Quickly, to Twitter! REEEEEEE!
Beat Animorphs by HOW many years?
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you learn at Evergreen State.
It’s almost like a certain book burning that went on the 40's.
You’re a great argument for changing this site’s name to A.REEEEEEEEEE Club.
Judging by your handle, I’m not even sure you’ve ever been near a member of the opposite sex, not even your own parents.
“sexual misconduct” is the word bloggers and women use when they know nothing major or illegal has been done to them, but they feel bad about it, so it must be “wrong.”
You wouldn’t know good journalism if the Watergate scandal grew legs and kicked you in the face.
Maybe the mother was just annoyed that an art teacher got confused and thought they were a history teacher?
“I teach alternative school,” which translated comes out as “I teach fake shit and grade students on a scale ranging from sad face to happy face.”
You’re welcome to leave!
Says the idiot promoting GMG union when all the people who formed it were either laid off or quit. And for those who quit, were dumb enough to quote the entire employment clause that made them look like morons.
I love how you act like Antifa isn’t an issue. Ask Portland business know, the people who support the city with their taxes what they think about idiots burning their property to the ground. But hey, it’s for a good cause right? Oh..It’s not? Whoops! Let’s loot the Apple store and Foot Locker!
Really? You’re gonna blame me because the company you work for gave me a notification for a post that hadn’t actually been posted or had been edited? Come on now.
That’s a perfectly fair assessment. “I don’t find Musk funny, thus I see no reason to watch it” Is perfectly normal to think. I’m a sucker for pain, so I’ll watch just to see what might happen. It’s like NASCAR, we’re watching to see the crash, but if it goes well we still win anyway.